You’re Missing Out Tons of Growth If You’re Not Dating

I learned the most important life lessons not from books or school but my relationships

Shreya Badonia 🧨
Published in
6 min readJan 24, 2021


numbPhoto by Julian Myles on Unsplash

According to the Lok Foundation-Oxford University survey, 93% urban Indian population said they had an arranged marriage as of January 2018.

When people get ready to marry a person selected by their parents and society, dating and being in a relationship never hit their radar. Therefore, dating is still considered taboo in my country. The conservative beliefs and orthodoxy don’t allow people to interact with the opposite sex.

Luckily, because of my liberal and advanced mother, I was never restricted from talking to guys and hang out with them. It led me to start dating when I was 16. It’s been me over a decade of dating and meeting new people. Although I haven’t found my partner yet, I have learned a great deal about myself.

My dating experience has made me learn and grow more than I ever did in college or through books. It helped me grow in my personal and professional front.

Today I am sharing how dating and being in a relationship can teach us way more than books, school, and universities. In fact, it’s 100x more effective than traditional ways of learning.

Understanding human…



Shreya Badonia 🧨

Multi-passionate creator | visual thinker living an island life 🏝️ Join my weekly newsletter 📣