A carnival to celebrate winters? Sign me up!

Anmol Saini
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3 min readDec 8, 2021
credit: tenor

What is it about winters that’s so beautiful? Is it the oversized hoodies, the hot chocolates, fairy lights, or the rum cakes? Or maybe it is the chill in the air that freezes your face or the warmth in the morning sun that feels like a blessing. Winter is so much more than a season, it’s an emotion.

Winter is an Emotion

From the soft smell of jasmine at night to the fairy lights all around the city, winter is an emotion. It’s a relief, from the constructs of body image where all shapes, sizes and colours of sweaters are accepted. There is no limit on carb loading and our moods are as sweet as the occasional gulab jamuns we love to devour.

There’s a festival for every faith and an overwhelming gratitude for the year that passed us by. Winter is a time to absorb the spirit of celebration around us and find some time to celebrate ourselves, build ourselves even if it’s from the comfort of our blankets.

credit: tenor

The Winter Carnival

With this spirit, Curiousapiens brings you The Winter Carnival, a one-of-its kind 10-day long fiesta where students learn new skills and explore different fields, domains and hobbies. From exciting live sessions, fun engagement events and an opportunity to network with a global community of students, we’ve got it all.

Who is this for?

While age is never a bar for curiosity, we would love it if you’re a student aged 13 and above, just so you can fully cherish it.

When is this happening?

We start this year and end in the next. It really is a Christmas miracle. Dates: 21st December, 2021 to 2nd Jan, 2022.

What do we have for you?

Live activity sessions, engagement-based events and contests, all of which will drive your curiosity and help in your overall personality development. We’ve got sessions on interests like baking, astronomy, photography, and engagement events like debates, mock stock activity, origami, quiz and more! Check out the full schedule here.

Where can you sign up?

Register on our website here, and we’ll give you a confirmation once you do. You can also hit us up on Instagram for any other queries, or simply mail/discord us whenever. We’re super prompt. :)

credit: tenor

2021 has been one overwhelming year. But winter comes with hope, one that not only tells us that we’ve made it through this year, but one that paves way for us to work for a better, safer tomorrow. Let’s take the first step towards that transformation with ourselves. Pick a skill, a hobby, or pursue an interest, anything that makes you curious, so when it’s spring, you are prepared to leave your warm cocoons behind and spread your wings to fly. Follow your curiosity this winter, and may it lead you to magical places in 2022.

