How Human Design Helped Me Tap Into My Unique Process for Sparking Creative Inspiration?

After I learned how I channel my creativity, things started to make sense.

Kathryn Thompson
Curiously Creative
5 min readMar 6, 2021


Photo by Karly Santiago on Unsplash

As a content creator and writer, I often get asked, “How do you find daily or weekly inspiration?”

My first response is, I don’t go looking to find creative inspiration or ideas, they find me. You know the ideas that seem to hit you over the head. And if you’re not quick enough they are gone as fast as they came.

Maybe it’s when you’re…


Taking a shower

Minutes before falling asleep

Reading a book

Watching a movie

During meditation

Those are the places where most of my sparks of creative inspiration hit me. They are totally random. Unplanned. And if I don’t grab them (i.e., record or document them) they’ll quite literally disappear.

You can imagine how freaking annoying it is when the ideas start flowing while you’re taking a shower or trying to fall asleep. I’ve learned the hard way. Dosing off only to wake up and wonder, “what was that great blog post idea I wanted to write?”


Gone with the wind.

Elizabeth Gilbert wrote about these moments, that we all experience, in her book, Big Magic. She shares how an idea for a book came to her, but she put it off for so long that eventually someone else wrote it. And not just anyone, Anne Patchett, an award-winning author.

That is why Gilbert shares in her book what to do when ideas come knocking. But I am not here to do that with you today. I am here to share how Human Design helped me tap into my unique process for sparking creativity. And how you can use your unique Human Design to do the same.

For those of you that don’t know what is Human Design, it uses a combination of The I Ching, astrology, Kabbalah, Hindu-Brahmin chakra system, and quantum physics to offer people a map of how they operate uniquely.

“Okay, Kathryn, can you break this down in easy speak language?”

Basically, based on your birth date, exact time of birth, and the city (or town) you were born in, you’ll receive a Human Design chart that is unique to you.

At a fundamental level, each chart includes a strategy, profile, and authority type. It’s far more complex than this, but I don’t want to overwhelm you with the details.

While some aspects of each person’s Human Design charts might have similarities, the essence of it is to offer people an insight into how to show up in the world in the most aligned way, and how the world perceives them based on their design.

For example, I’m a 4/6 (i.e., profile), Manifesting Generator (i.e., strategy) with sacral authority. The six-line in my profile is in my subconscious. Meaning I don’t view myself this way, but others do. And the six-line represents a role model. While the world sees me this way, I typically don’t see myself as a role model.

The other cool thing about Human Design is that it shows you how you can expect inspiration to come to you. That way you’re aware of how to find creative inspiration (or let it find you). And you can tap into it easily.

After I learned how I channel my creativity, things started to make sense. And I stopped worrying about when and where my next spark of creativity was coming from.

Ready to learn how it works?

It’s so simple! Depending on your unique Human Design chart, hits of inspiration will come in one of two ways from your head center.

  1. Consistent Ways (Defined / Colored in Head Center)

This means you channel inspiration or creativity consistently. In the same way all the time. Maybe it’s sitting in pure silence, or listening to music. But each time it’s consistent. If you’re this type of person then you’ll want to pay attention to when the inspiration hits. That way you can tap into it like flicking a light switch on and off.

Brilliant, right? And it will make the creation process easier in the sense that you can get good at planning when you want to create.

The yellow triangle at the top of the chart is the head center.

2. Inconsistent Ways (Undefined / Not Colored in Head Center)

This means you channel inspiration or creativity inconsistently. Meaning when and where it comes to you is inconsistent. This is me. I can get hits of inspiration in the shower, driving, meditating, or trying to sleep. And for the longest time, I’d let these moments pass believing I’d be able to tap back into them at a more opportune time. As I mentioned above, I learned the hard way that it doesn’t work this way. Now I make sure I have note pads handy, or my voice notes ready to record. That way I can get it documented before it disappears.

So you’re probably wondering how the heck you figure out what type of person you are so that you can kiss those creative blocks good-bye. And we will get to that right away.

But first I want to let you know, I still face moments where things aren’t flowing creatively.

What Human Design has helped me do is understand how creativity flows through me so that I am not trying or forcing myself to come up with ideas.

Staring at a blinking cursor willing the words out of me or scrolling on social media hoping I’ll figure out what to post that day.

That resistance causes creative blocks. And Human Design has allowed me to release some of that to enable more creativity in my life.

It’s helped me stay in alignment with my unique design. And when we are in alignment things flow easier including creativity.

To learn more about Human Design, and your unique chart check out Jenna Zoe’s website where you can generate your chart for free. Full transparency, I have no affiliation with her business or promoting it. I find her resources simple and easy to understand.



Kathryn Thompson
Curiously Creative

Business Mentor. Copywriter. Photographer. Writing about business, creative expression, success, and personal growth.