The Power of Resolve

Randy J Robbins
Curiously Written
Published in
4 min readAug 27, 2020


The underrated results of strengthening your resolve.

Photo by Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash

There are certain attributes that everyone grows to value in themselves and other people throughout their life. We also get told that certain characteristics are desirable or will lead to success. It may be respect, critical-thinking, or the overused cliche — thinking outside the box. There is one that I rarely see anywhere, and I think it is perhaps the most overlooked of them all. Resolve. This is something I only grew to appreciate in my ongoing fight for sobriety a few years ago. As time has passed, I have grown to value it among most other values.

Resolve as a verb that is defined as settle or find a solution to (a problem, dispute, or contentious matter) or decide firmly on a course of action. We can also use it as a noun being defined as a firm determination to do something. To me, it really means to focus on finding a solution to the obstacles you face. Everyone fights battles every single day and they may be as small as having an untied show while walking down the sidewalk or a larger problem like your car has broken down on the side of the highway. It is very easy to dwell on the problem itself and even worse — dwelling on how unfair the problem is and drown yourself in self-pity.

A problem is no longer a problem if you solve it. This is a piece of solid advice that I received when I was…



Randy J Robbins
Curiously Written

Girl Dad, Pet Dad, #actuallyautistic, always curious and a little weird.