Curo’s virtual coffee meet-up with Dr. Sarujan Ranjan

Curo Carers
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2020

Thanks to all of those who were able to come to our coffee meet-up yesterday with Dr. Sarujan Ranjan! If you weren’t able to attend you were missed, but fear not — you can register for one of our future weekly virtual meet-ups here (every Wednesday).

It was a great event that allowed a number of people who care for loved ones to come together and share their experiences on how Covid19 is affecting them and the people they care for. Dr. Ranjan provided great advice on how we can all look after ourselves and our nearest and dearest during such turbulent times.

Covid19 is undoubtably affecting us all, but our virtual coffee meet-up showed that it is affecting people who care for loved ones disproportionality more.

We heard stories from people who shared that they were relishing in the fact that they could stay inside a bit more, but were worried about their neuro-diverse children who have had their routines suddenly disrupted. One dad told us that instead of taking his son for walks, he would go for interactive walks on Google Earth.

When I asked how I would be able to see my Grandma who lives in a care-home and is required to isolate for 12 weeks, people gave the great advice that I could send her handwritten letters, pictures or try and do video calls with carer-workers helping those who are hard of hearing.

When one person expressed the strain Covid19 was taking on his ability to not only care for one, but four people, we were able to support him with accessing mutual aid groups in his area. Plenty of people have since came forward eager to run errands for him if he is unable to source essential food and medicine.

If you care for loved ones and are confused about how to care during Covid19, perhaps our community of carers and expert panelists could help you in the future? We would welcome all to attend!

Please keep an eye on our agenda and grab yourself a free virtual ticket to our coffee meet-ups which happen online every Wednesday here.



Curo Carers

Curo is a digital employee benefit product that supports the 5 million people in the UK who are juggling work and caring for a loved one.