Artist Richie Velazquez’s signature psychedelic slime style in pink and yellow

Artists of #treatyoskin: Richie Velazquez

This summer, to celebrate the Curology community’s vibrant (sk)individuality, we’re launching the #treatyoskin campaign: a series that’s all about savoring your unique flavor — quirks and all.

Published in
3 min readAug 15, 2018


To kick off the campaign, we asked 7 of our favorite artists to share their creative interpretations of sweet treats. Today we’re featuring Richie Velazquez, aka Dela Deso, an LA-based illustrator and designer who founded the digital art company Richie is best known for creating psychedelic slime art, known as “Digital Grime,” which became popular during his 31 Days of Grime series in October 2015.

Where does your story as an artist begin?

I feel like it took me ten years of hard work just to get to the starting line, so this is still the beginning of my story. I haven’t yet discovered the discipline required to be a full-on artist and I’m also discovering the power and impact an influencer can have in this world.

All my grime is based on my childhood influences (I’m a product of the 90’s) and everything else just happened by dumb luck, really. I knew how to utilize free tools like Tumblr, and noticed people were reposting my images. Some of them were getting to the very source of my influences, which was cool. Early on, I realized the power of hashtags to market my pseudo-self, deladeso.

Artist Richie Velazquez’s creative interpretation of pineapple as a sweet treat, complete with purple slime

What do you hope to communicate through your work?

To me, grime is grime—it’s whatever the audience perceives it as. I now see the power of influence and want to help guide people in a more productive route, away from living the American Meme.

What was the inspiration behind your “treat”?

To me, pineapples look grimy, but taste sooo good. I wanted to illustrate the sensation I get when I take a bite.

Artist Richie Velazquez posing with some of his psychedelic slime art

Was there ever a time where you struggled with feeling different, but found a way to move through it and embrace who you are?

I realized we are who we are. It’s the way we express ourselves that makes us. I have created my own universe and surround myself with like-minded creatives, and just let the same-lame filter itself out. I harness the negativity and use that energy towards creativity.

With social media it’s becoming harder because the media is showing you how to live and who to be. Don’t let it destroy who you could be. Realize that social media is a tool and you must never let these tools use you.

For more of Richie’s work —

Richie’s Instagram: @deladeso

Richie’s Website:

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