It’s dry!

Pastry Plate
Currant Events


David meant that as a compliment as Russian Teacakes are supposed to be dry and crumbly. The drier, the better!

As David attempted to read the prompter without inhaling cookie crumbs down his windpipe, the panel around the table were calculating how best to leap over the Plate to give him a Heimlich maneuver, should he need one on national tv.

I’m pretty sure Lizz Winstead would have been first at the plate, because…. well, when else would you ever have a chance to do something like that on TV?

Our lesson of the day is; three things nobody should do on television:
1) wear chroma green
2) Wear stripes
3) Bite into a Russian teacake

Something they will be teaching in broadcast journalism school for decades!



Pastry Plate
Currant Events

RTs are typos. pastry+politics+popculture #uppers Tweets are not legal nor medical advice. Still the plate; fewer pastries. Also challenging and unpredictable.