Tongs? Pregnant wife? To go bag?

Pastry Plate
Currant Events


Just when we think we have seen every strategy, a guest comes up with yet one more that lights up the twitter TL and makes David Gura fall in love with his cake job even more.

Without even drawing a breath to segue into what was clearly a well-planned caper, Danny Cevallos broke out the to-go bag and a pair of tongs, shamelessly blaming his pregnant wife for his thievery while stuffing two pastries into the bag.

In a later tweet, he retracted his wife’s pregnancy and said she was nursing. In a move to cover up his obvious lie — er, misstatement — he even posted evidence of the post-pregnancy condition, i.e., a baby. We have not seen evidence the pastries made it to their stated destination, but we can take a lawyer at his word, right?

Hmmmmmm…. the jury of #uppers is out on that one.

Anyway, while this was a clearly brazen and original act by Mr. Cevallos, #uppers were not convinced it met the minimum standard of “oral insertion.”

Great entertainment, though, Danny! Loved it.pas



Pastry Plate
Currant Events

RTs are typos. pastry+politics+popculture #uppers Tweets are not legal nor medical advice. Still the plate; fewer pastries. Also challenging and unpredictable.