Amidst trying times:

Circuit brings InteraCKT online

Kaye Ignacio
Current — UP Circuit
2 min readDec 10, 2020


Adapting to the demands of the “new normal”, UP Circuit brings its annual freshman tour online with the conduct of InteraCKT 10: New Leaf last August 12–24 2020 — the first-ever webinar series for freshmen of the Electrical and Electronics Engineering Institute (EEEI) of the University of the Philippines Diliman.

18A member Aaron Herrera delivers a lecture on Circuit Analysis. 📸: UP Circuit (

Held via Zoom, around 200 incoming EEE students were given a glimpse of the university life through a series of 4-day lecture sessions with game nights spread in between, all in the goal of introducing them to the University, the Institute, and each other.

Lectures were focused on introducing the participants to fundamental subjects such as Math 21 and Circuit Analysis, with UP Circuit’s own Jasper Refuerzo (18A) taking the lead in the precalculus review and Aaron Herrera (18A) teaching techniques such as Kirchhoff’s Voltage (KVL) and Circuit (KCL) Laws.

Moreover, professors were invited to deliver lectures about their own fields of specialization, with Prof. Jethro Limjoco on Computers and Digital Representation and Prof. Crisron Lucas on Digital Signal Processing — a preview into the academic life within the Institute for the participants.

Beyond academics, game nights and minigames within lectures provided the participants with an avenue for getting to know each other, wherein ECE, EE, and COE freshies teamed up in two game nights facilitated by Cheska Quiocho (19A).

📸: UP Circuit (

For participant and ECE freshman Kenrick Wu, the event was an easy way to meet potential blockmates and friends and learn essential skills for his degree program. “Dapat maging [ma]tiyaga ako sa ECE,” he added. Fellow ECE freshman Anna Chua cosigns on this, saying that “Helpful siya in a way na pinrepare na kami on what college has in store for us! [For] someone who had no background at all, kahit [sa] terms lang, mas naging aware ako.”

InteraCKT, UP Circuit’s way of giving back to the EEE community through annual tours and lectures for incoming freshmen, was made possible this year through the headship of Maria Jasmine Verocel (18A) and Philip Luis Tuason III (18A).

