TEP, PMS partner for gadget donations drive

Emmanuel Abulencia
Current — UP Circuit
2 min readDec 10, 2020

In times like these, one single call stands firm: No student should be left behind.

Responding to the challenges posed by education in the new normal, UP Circuit, through The E-Waste Project (TEP), has teamed up with the UP Pre-Medical Society (PMS) for SULONG: Donations for Education — a donation drive for students in need of electronic devices for the first semester of AY 2020–2021 (September-December 2020).

As per the design of the partnership, PMS is responsible for its collection aspect — accepting cash/in-kind donations to fund/provide gadgets necessary for students to weather out online learning — whereas Circuit is tasked with providing advice on device specifications for procurement and inspecting donated devices for their usability; In-kind donations that are found to be defective are handled by TEP for recycling or disposal.

“I saw how relevant the proposal was to The E-Waste Project because it dealt with reusing electronics. There’s bound to be some donations that won’t work na and it can be put to the drive of TEP,” said Mae Mabanta, the project head for Circuit’s end of the partnership, on the motivation for teaming up.

FIGHTING CHANCE. Beneficiaries of SULONG beam with the gadgets that they have received from the project. Many testimonials share the same message: Their gadgets have given them a fighting chance for the semester. | 🎨: Cristine Lim / UP Pre-Medical Society (photos originally posted with the consent of the beneficiaries: https://web.facebook.com/uppremedsoc/posts/3707272925958821)

So far, the project has been able to deliver 52 SULONG packages, each consisting of either a tablet with an accompanying bluetooth keyboard or a laptop, all along with a SIM card carrying ₱300 worth of load, to various beneficiaries from 47 households, mostly children of UP vendors and UP Diliman students — all made possible by ₱297,000 worth of cash donations along with those made in-kind.

“From the testimonials of the beneficiaries, it’s really heartwarming to know that we were able to make a difference in their lives and to see that our small acts of kindness can definitely go a long way for the dreams of others,” said UP PMS President Tiffany Lim, joyed with the outcome of the project.

Donations for SULONG have since closed as of December 3, 2020, wherein any remaining funds collected will be used to serve more beneficiaries as possible.

