A Changing Landscape

Julian Martinez
Published in
2 min readAug 14, 2018

In the world of cryptocurrencies, the landscape changes quickly.

We’ve seen a number of famous cryptocurrencies slip in price. Part of that may be a correction by the market, a financial comment on earlier claims.

We’ve also seen a number of slip-ups and mistakes. It’s gotten to the point that cryptocurrencies entering nonsense markets have become a punchline.

Words need to be backed up by actions that support them. Projects have to make good on their claims.

To that end, here at CurrentCoin, we are working to build value through digital services, in the form of online marketplaces.

Our team is working behind the scenes to bring these marketplaces to you.

On the front end side, we’re starting to build those out using JavaScript and Node.js.

We’re also talking to partners about how we can bring CurrentCoin to market, and improve our standing among cryptocurrencies as a whole.

Main net work is continuing at the same time, to expand our capabilities.

Most of all, we want to say: We hear you.

We know that it’s critical for CurrentCoin to go to market and gain traction. We’re working on it, one day at a time.

In the meantime, you can expect regular updates from us, and hard work, daily, until we reach our goals.



Julian Martinez

Developer, consultant, indie maker, crypto enthusiast, user of React, fan of Svelte.