Releasing Our Code

Julian Martinez
Published in
2 min readJul 13, 2021

E-commerce using MetaMask, with Ethereum and CurrentCoin

UI shown.

CurrentCoin’s goal is to make digital servces that use crypto fast, affordable, and accessible for all.

With that in mind, we’ve open sourced our first code repo in a long time: an ecommerce marketplace integrated with MetaMask, where you can pay for services using CurrentCoin and Ethereum.

We’re distributing this to everyone and anyone who wants to use it, for use in their own app.

You can see it live here.

We plan to create and release the code for more practical projects like this, in order to create value for the community and more use cases for CurrentCoin.

Our Code

The code linked above is for an ecommerce site integrated with MetaMask.

This means that, if you have the MetaMask crypto wallet installed, and you have crypto in it, you can use this app to pay for services.

We have 2 sample products for sale, in addition to a working contact form. This code really works, so please don’t confirm a purchase unless you want to buy them.

If you want to use this for your own purposes, you can swap out the pictures, addresses, and text, to advertise and sell anything you want using Ethereum (ETH) or CurrentCoin (CUR).

Major libraries used are: axios, Google’s Material UI, Web3, ethers, and react-router-dom.

You can run this git cloning the repo, then typing ‘yarn install’ and ‘yarn start’.

Do that, and you can have your own local e-commerce site running too, with ready payment methods available through MetaMask.



Julian Martinez

Developer, consultant, indie maker, crypto enthusiast, user of React, fan of Svelte.