Curriculum App Release Notes: #1

Louise Swift
Published in
2 min readMay 13, 2018


A summary of recent updates and new features on Curriculum, an app for managing study resources & tracking study time to see motivating metrics.

1. Track Study Time page overhaul

This was a large update to make the page easier to use, particularly on mobile. More details here.

2. Study Timer usability improvements

Your device should now stay awake while the study timer is running, so you don’t need to worry about checking on it.

3. Study Metrics page usability improvements

Small tweaks to the Average Study Times form.

4. Homepage update

To explain what the app does. (Yes, it still needs images and probably an explainer video!)

5. Recently-added resources

Currently visible on the homepage, this list of recently-added resources is the start of an interesting upcoming feature: resource recommendations.

6. Logo and minor design update

Just a font change, really.

7. Social meta tags

In case you want to share a link to

Thanks for reading through these updates! Your interest is genuinely appreciated. Share thoughts in a comment, or with me on Twitter (@lswift01, @curriculum_app). And check out Curriculum if you haven’t yet— it’s great to get organised with your learning!



Louise Swift

Software engineer at FutureLearn. Mathematics BSc student.