The New CurseForge Has Arrived

Chris Hubbard
Published in
1 min readJun 26, 2019

It’s finally time!

You may recall a certain blog post we released last month announcing big changes coming to CurseForge. Specifically, we detailed how almost all game-specific subdomains of CurseForge would be unified under Additionally, we gave you all a sneak peek at the new look we designed. In case you forgot, here’s a nice reminder:

Pretty, isn’t it?

Today, we are happy to announce that the new CurseForge is live! You can head over to to check out the redesign right now!

If you have any questions or concerns regarding the change, please make sure to read through our initial blog post about the change (we included a nifty FAQ and change-log). If you still have any questions about the change, or notice anything that looks a little weird, please let us know! You can send us any questions you have about the change to our Twitter or support team, and if you’d like to see some changes made, please submit a suggestion to us via our Uservoice page!

Welcome to the New CurseForge

