18 Ways For HR To Optimise Talent Intelligence From 2018 Onwards.

Human resource (HR) professionals have been under increasing pressure since the turn of the millennium, and from 2018 onwards the pressure for some, will get to breaking point. We’ve been talking about the knowledge age for more than 20 years and most HR departments are not abreast of that reality, never mind the massive disruptive challenges ahead. It’s also clear that the world has woken up to a new reality in the last 12 months with the mainstreaming of Artificial Intelligence, Robotics and Automation or AIRA, as I like to call it. As a result, the future is going to call forth change that is likely to be beyond all recognition, and in many cases, present imagination too.

The sophistication of various organisational functions such as marketing, sales, operations and information technology have moved forward by leaps and bounds and HR is risking being left behind. The scrutiny on HR to make a material difference to profitability, performance and fulfilment levels has just begun and the intensity of focus is going to only increase. Every leader for the last 50 years has been talking both practically and panderingly about people being their greatest assets. In the last 10 years, the smarter ones are also citing culture to be the key to an organisation’s success alongside its people.

HR professionals today face a host of challenges, as they need to deliver on the people and cultural ideals, in addition to the operational and strategic rigour that a stable organisation demands. And now with the added need to co-relate their functions to their organisation’s profitability, performance and fulfilment levels the pressure is truly starting to show. We’ve spoken to many bright, good and hardworking HR professionals. They tell us categorically, it’s not a case of them twiddling their thumbs. It’s just that a large amount of their time, over the last decade, has been spent scrambling to get their HR operational and management systems up to speed in the face of ever changing technological value propositions. In the process they have fallen victim to the false promises of even large HR solutions providers and as a result have either been firefighting the systemic operational shortcomings of the HR management systems they have purchased, or have been doing things outside of them to fulfil their job functions. And while they have been doing so, they haven’t had the time or come across the appropriate technology to capitalise on the promise of the 4th industrial revolution, to herald the knowledge age. An age that requires them to build their HR intelligence capabilities.

The good news is that in a largely uncertain future there are a 3 things that are abundantly clear. One that is intelligence will be the premium commodity, another is that cyber-physical systems will be the structure on which this intelligence flows and finally that human intelligence will not be able to keep up to speed. The Future Of Work In The Age Of AI is a totally different world of work from that we have known over the last 10 thousand years. (You can add your voice to the research here, get everyone in your organisation up to speed here and read answers to some questions on The Future Of Work In The Age Of AI here.)

To stay relevant and to get ahead HR professionals need to augment their human intelligence with AI. AI of course being not just representative of Artificial Intelligence but also Augmented Intelligence and Assisted Intelligence. The best HR professionals, in the daily course of their work, build a great deal of human intimacy and as a result accumulate a whole lot of human intelligence. But even the best HR professionals can’t be everywhere, talking to everyone, documenting everything, making perfect sense of present and historical intelligence and making it presentable and accessible to key stakeholders to act upon in real-time. Which is why HR professionals need their digital intelligence twins. This is in the form of an always on platform that can assist them collate ongoing intelligence from all their talent, across the talent journey and help them make sense of it in real-time with clear descriptive, diagnostic and predictive analytics. This will then free them up from their mundane tasks and allow them to instead answer the most critical questions which add the greatest amount of organisational value. Questions such as, “Now that I have entrance to engagement to exit intelligence across my entire talent journey, what do I need to do to improve organisational profitability?”

And that is what CusJo’s Talent Optimisation Suite helps HR Professionals with. It provides them with the end-to-end intelligence across the attraction, empowerment and growth stages of the organisation’s talent journey to make an organisation more intelligence-centric and give it an unfair advantage in their industry.

So, if you truly value your people as your #1 asset, understand the necessity to build a great culture and know that intelligence is the key commodity to drive profitability, read on to discover the 18 ways for HR to optimise talent intelligence from 2018 onwards.

  1. Talent Job Application Analytics

Stop wasting time and money looking through thousands of resumes to find the right candidate, with the right experience, at the right time, for the right job, at the right remuneration. CusJo’s Talent Job Application Analytics reverse-engineers the job application process to allow you to go from thousands of options to identify the handful of candidates you absolutely need to interview. It’s a time saving like no other.

Analyse: Job applications in a structured format, the way you need to, not based on how they market themselves in their resumes.

Benefits: Experience the time and money saved by slicing and dicing through tons of data based on your preferred filters such as remuneration, experience, core competency and so on. Then look at resumes, cover letters, images, videos and other relevant attachments as an afterthought, so you don’t suffer from cognitive bias in hiring the best candidate possible.

2. Talent Interview Analytics

Be more productive when inviting selected candidates for an interview, once you have identified them through our Talent Application Analytics. Digitise your processes and get potential employees relevant documents in advance.

Analyse: Relevant documents from candidates in advance.

Benefits: Getting the administrative work out of the way, well before the interview, will allow you to invest your time where it needs to be invested — on getting a more intimate appreciation of the candidate. Get documents in advance including all their demographic details, qualifications, certificates, work history, remuneration, referrals and so on. Evaluate your potential employee for cultural, character, competency and capacity fit, and don’t waste time on paper work.

3. Talent Evaluation Analytics

Conduct a 360 degree evaluation of the potential hire after the completion of their interview. Factor in the points of view of the HR representative, the hiring manager, the 1, 2 or 3 ups, his potential peers and well as the potential candidate’s subordinates and even internal and external customers if you so desire.

Analyse: Evaluation feedback from hiring manager.

Benefits: Evaluate and weigh out the candidate on different metrics of your choice including background (character, capacity, and competency) and cultural alignment with the organisation so you get a real-time summary towards hiring the best candidate possible. Ensure you comply with fair and merit-based employment practices, so you don’t fall foul of your ethical code of conduct, internal hiring best practices, as well as your policies to ensure talent truly becomes your engine of growth.

4. Talent Reference Analytics

Don’t waste money on external reference checks. Do them internally in a faster, better and more affordable manner.

Analyse: References from referees.

Benefits: Clearly verify the character, competency and capacity of the potential employee, know their personality, gather the person’s core strengths and weaknesses and document the demographic details of the person providing the reference. You can do this as many times as you’d like, by calling the referees or having the referees fill in their reference at their own convenience.

5. Talent Authentication Analytics

Authenticate the employment history of the candidate from the contacts provided by them.

Analyse: Authenticated reviews from authenticators.

Benefits: Know how well potential employees have performed at each job, precisely how long they were employed by each organisation, their exact job title or position, their monthly remuneration, the likelihood of them being re-hired, their attendance, a showcase of their cultural fit, deliverables and a whole range of other critical information. Ensure you have fully authenticated the employment history of the potential employee you are thinking of hiring for your organisation.

6. Talent Onboarding Analytics

You’re investing so much to attract great employees, so how do you know if these employees have been onboarded successfully and are performing optimally once handed over to their line managers? Our Employee Onboarding Analytics is designed to help you stay on top of all your newly hired staff and to ensure they are onboarded optimally.

Analyse: Onboarding updates from new employees.

Benefits: Know their onboarding experience, the trail of the staff that they have interacted with, how they are doing on checklists such as your organisation’s engagement dimensions, what they liked about their experience, the things that can be improved and much more.

7. Talent Pulse Analytics

You can’t wait every year or two to get a snapshot of how things are going across your entire global organisation. Use our super short, simple and speedy Talent Pulse Analytics on an ongoing basis — 24/7/365 to get an anonymised and accurate sense of sentiments across your organisation in real-time.

Analyse: Ongoing pulse of your organisation.

Benefits: Create a culture of continuous improvement and engagement, to encourage open and honest communication, measure real-time impact of initiatives, why things are succeeding or failing and the heartbeat before, during and after major institutional changes. Then use the summarised data to address what needs to be addressed confidently so your organisation functions at its best week-on-week, month-on-month, year-on-year.

8. Talent 360 Degree Analytics

Open up a channel for everyone to receive 360 degree feedback. Have them benefit from suggestions and improve and redirect their efforts as needed in an organised way.

Analyse: 360 degree feedback from stakeholders, managers, peers, subordinates, customers and self.

Benefits: Systematically help your employees remove blindspots, improve their performance, as well as create an opportunity to reward or recognise them for a job well done.

9. Talent Performance Analytics

Do regular performance reviews for your talent, to provide feedback on their performance all year long.

Analyse: Performance reviews from reviewing managers

Benefits: Gain insights for making employment decisions such as promotions and pay raises in a consultative way with the talent being fully aware of his/her contribution, level of performance and shortcomings. Also use it to identify areas of improvements and more.

10. Talent Engagement Analytics

Employee Engagement is a great indication of the overall health of the organisation. It gives great quantitative and qualitative analytics on how your entire organisation feels across the 9 core organisational dimensions of Affinity, Culture, Leadership, Manager, Team, Work, Growth, Rewards, Confidence as well as their numerous sub-dimensions.

Analyse: Engagement analytics to understand employee sentiments.

Benefits: Through our Employee Engagement Analytics, you can give your talent a strong voice, know how to increase engagement levels, direct organisational growth and get baseline analytics to benchmark your entire organisation against itself, over time, and across industries, nationally and globally too.

11. Talent Dialogue Analytics

Talent Dialogue Analytics is a brilliant ongoing conversation tool. It allows you to ask open-ended questions on a weekly basis to engage with all staff in a free form way, like never before.

Analyse: Qualitative data by consensus and sentiment while grouping ideas and concepts by entities to act upon.

Benefits: Have a real-time 1-to-1 conversation with everyone across your organisation at scale. Make them feel valued, have their voice heard and address matters on an ongoing basis to ensure things are genuinely getting better and better, week-on-week, month-on-month and quarter-on-quarter.

12. Talent QnA Analytics

Talent QnA is perfect for your town halls and events and makes your senior management and presenters look really good as they take questions and reorganise them in multiple ways from consensus to sentiments to keywords to entities.

Analyse: Quantitative and qualitative data by demographics in an endless series of way to understand the concerns or each group in intimate detail.

Benefits: Get people to simply ask a question and then pay attention to the answers without having to waste unnecessary time voting them up and down. So time can be spend where it is most important to, on engaging on the issues at hand.

13. Talent Training Analytics

Talent Training Analytics addresses your “What’s next?” question once you have done your Employee Engagement Analytics. It considers business needs, current competencies, training methods, cost effectiveness, duration, preferred timing and mode of delivery to provide appropriate training and development initiatives.

Analyse: Analyse training needs.

Benefits: Ensure training is targeting the correct competencies, the correct talent and is addressing a business need. It will help you identify gaps in your talent training & development needs and determine what development programs are needed to improve your organisation’s profitability, performance and fulfilment levels as well as your Employee Engagement Analytics indexes.

14. Talent Coaching Analytics

If you’re investing in coaching and mentoring your high value individuals, Talent Coaching Analytics will give you a clear sense as to how things are progressing, what is happening in each coaching session, what’s working and what’s not and what you need to do to improve the efficacy of future coaching and mentoring programs.

Analyse: Coaches/Mentors on their experience with their coachees/mentees and vice-versa.

Benefits: Use it to factor in the point of views of both the Coach/Mentor and Coachee/Mentee as they define and endeavour towards achieving professional and personal goals faster, with greater ease. Also use the analytics to improve the structure and outcomes of future coaching and mentoring programs.

15. Talent Succession Analytics

Preparing employees to step into roles as your organisation grows and expands its services can prove to be very challenging, expensive and time consuming. Well, that is why employee succession planning is a critical activity. It ensures organisations are well-positioned to continue performing while minimising the impact of losing key talent and leaders.

Analyse: Nominators on the nominations and their assessment of the nominees.

Benefits: Identify and develop new successors for existing or new positions as your organisations evolves to cater to changing needs. Establish a thick succession planning pipeline by identifying the right talent, skills and experiences in advance while preparing your talent to progress towards filling key positions in the organisation. This absolutely cannot be left to the last minute.

16. Talent Feedback Analytics

A secured and confidential system for getting regular, broad-based and year round feedback from employees. It’s necessary and we make it so easy.

Analyse: Anonymised or non-anonymised feedback from concerned talents.

Benefits: Receive suggestions for improvements or even whistle blowing for uncovering malpractices within the organisation so they can be addressed internally and not be taken into the public domain.

17. Talent Exit Analytics

Unfortunately sometimes things don’t always work out as planned and you inevitably lose some talent along the way. Use this Employee Exit Analytics methodology right from the time the talent expresses their intention to exit and get intelligence on push and pull factors.

Analyse: Insights from exiting talents.

Benefits: Draw insights from talents in order to improve things, change conditions, retain talents and reduce turnover. Guide future practices, review practices, pay scales and benefits. Better align HR strategy and enact programs and practices that will influence top talent to stay. Get a clear idea as to why staff are exiting your organisation, what is influencing their decision, what sort of organisation they are likely to go to and what might be the pull factor that your organisation presently does not cater to. Take guesswork and intuition out of the equation and use metrics, analytics and benchmarks to proactively create better talent retention initiatives.

18. Talent State Of The Organisation Analytics

Talent State Of The Organisation Analytics is a 9 question format that explores the state of your organisation from the 3 most critical angles across 3 levels of hierarchy and ascertains the dynamics that to be addressed.

Analyse: The gaps between the organisation, teams and individuals.

Benefits: It’s one of the easiest to use tools that gives you a clear sense of the state of the organisation in the simplest way possible. It has to be used to be believed.

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Go to CusJo.com to find out more on how you can optimise your talent journey or contact us at Enterprises@CusJo.com now.



CusJo - Human intelligence, enhanced by AI.
CusJo - Human intelligence, enhanced by AI.

When you need human intelligence to be enhanced by AI, beyond your market research, customer experience and employee engagement needs, CusJo has you covered.