The Effects of Kindness On You & Others

Is it good or bad to be kind?

Effect Of Kindness On You

It is a well known medical fact that doing daily random acts of kindness has a very tangible positive effect on the doer’s (as well as the receiver’s and observer’s) mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

People who don’t do random acts of kindness experience higher levels of stress, irritability, anxiety, depression and tension. This ends up suppressing their body’s central, endocrine, respiratory, cardiovascular, sexual, digestive, muscular and immune systems. This in turn contributes to heart attacks, strokes, cancers and all forms of mental health issues as well.

Doing daily random acts of kindness floods your body with hormones that make you as well as the person you are being kind to healthier, calmer and happier. This is the result of your body releasing serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin.

Serotonin helps you relax and and allows your body to heal.

Endorphin reduces pain and makes you happier.

Oxytocin reduces blood pressure, makes you more loving and feel loved.

The combined effect is that you feel more “zen”, energised and confident. Over the long term, this helps you live longer and healthier too.

Effect Of Kindness On Others

The thing with kindness is that, if other people see you being kind to someone else they will be filled with the same hormones that are being released in you, due to how mirror neuron work in our brains. The effect also works such that when you do a random act of kindness and others observe it, it makes them significantly more likely to play it forward. This way, the people you help as well as those who observe it feel inclined to help other people and will continue to play it forward in a chain reaction, with you being the positive cause of it.

Effect Of Kindness On Countries and Organisations

People just like you, in countries and organisations everywhere are at risk or are facing unprecedented levels of mental, emotional and physical health issues. Most of them are caused by work related stress spilling over into the family and social lives.

Organisations are arguably taking the wrong approach to resolving these issues. Giving workers smaller tasks, less work, flexible hours and more frequent breaks only leads to more work place stress, as it creates the feeling of less time instead of more. But if you get your employees to do a random act of kindness, the results as shown by Harvard, Yale and Wharton are extraordinary.

Doing random acts of kindness, has the effect of slowing time down. When the serotonin, endorphin and oxytocin kick in people automatically feel they have done something worthwhile. They immediately become happier, more confident, and more in control. This leads to higher levels of personal, organisational and country wide productive. And proves that indeed kindness is good for business.

So to benefit from being kind, please read and send the message below to everyone you know now.


Please take a short break from the busyness of your life and enjoy a moment of kindness now. Once you have done so, observe how it instantly improves your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Thereafter, please forward this message to everyone on your WhatsApp, Telegram and social media sites now. It will take no more than a few seconds on your part, and you will be making a lasting positive impact in the life of each person you send it to.

It is the one thing you can immediately do to make the world a kinder place for everyone; because it’s true that the good you choose to do for others, is inseparable from you and will eventually come back to you.




Iacoboni, Marco; Woods, Roger P.; Brass, Marcel; Bekkering, Harold; Mazziotta, John C.; Rizzolatti, Giacomo (1999). “Cortical Mechanisms of Human Imitation”.

Stress Management: Enhance Your Well-Being By Reducing Stress And Building Resilience, by the editors of Harvard Health Publishing, Harvard Medical School. In consultation with Gregory Fricchione, MD, Director, Division of Psychiatry and Medicine Director, Benson-Henry Institute for Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital.

The Stress Solution: An Action Plan to Manage the Stress in Your Life, by Lyle H. Miller, PhD, and Alma Dell Smith, PhD.



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