World Kindness Initiative : Interim Results

What can you do to make your world a kinder place for yourself?

Here are the interim results for the World Kindness Initiative.

Please come back here ever so often as we put up the latest results for everyone to see.

Also, if you are a researcher, think tank, a thought leader and would like to work with us so that the world can transparently use and benefit from this data, do contact us at

The World Kindness Initiative: Interim Index

World Kindness Initiative — Interim Index

World Kindness Initiative: Top 10 Commitments Ordered By Consensus

World Kindness Initiative: Countries

World Kindness Initiative: Genders

World Kindness Initiative: Ages

World Kindness Initiative: Education

Add Your Voice And Make A Difference

To make your voice heard and to contribute to the World Kindness Initiative, please read, then act on the message below to everyone you know now.


Please take a short break from the busyness of your life and enjoy a moment of kindness now. Once you have done so, observe how it instantly improves your mental, emotional and physical wellbeing.

Thereafter, please forward this message to everyone on your WhatsApp, Telegram and social media sites now. It will take no more than a few seconds on your part, and you will be making a lasting positive impact in the life of each person you send it to.

It is the one thing you can immediately do to make the world a kinder place for everyone; because it’s true that the good you choose to do for others, is inseparable from you and will eventually come back to you.



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