Wrong! Wrong!Wrong! Will the next president be an adaptive leader?

Civic Analytics & Urban Intelligence
2 min readOct 3, 2016

Adaptive Leadership is a practical leadershipframework that helps individuals and organizations adapt and thrive in challenging environments. It is being able, both individually and collectively, to take on the gradual but meaningful process of change. — WIKIPEDIA

As described in the holy wiki, adaptive leader is the leader who has ability to take his team/people to face the challenge and go further. According to Forbes leadership can be considered as the following parts: 1) Emotional Intelligence, 2) Organizational Justice, 3) Character, 4) Development.

Leadership itself is always evaluated by leaders words and action. I thus decided to analyze the transcripts in the first debate. First of all, I used python to crawl transcript on the website and then visualize it by R. Secondly, I count the word frequency and generate a word cloud.

Trump on the left? or Clinton on the right?

From the word cloud, One of the candidate seems to address more negative words then another. For instance, as shown in the figure, on the left figure, “don’t ” is bigger than good, which means the word “don’t” is mentioned more times than good did. On the other side, don’t is almost the same size as good. From the perspective of Emotional Intelligence, the candidate on the left probably is a little bit negative then the right one. I understand it is still hard to say who is the right candidate. I also believe there are more interesting phenomenon to be discovered in this transcript. For such a reason, I will continue this study to deeper relationship between words to discover the association of their attitude for the people. The next thing I am going to will visualize the below figure by comparing their speech and debates in the following!



Civic Analytics & Urban Intelligence

Now DS in Tech Ex - ML DS @ Wayfair. I believe in God and Bayesian.