Discover yourself

Cusp of Destiny
Published in
2 min readSep 7, 2018
Discover Yourself, the beauty within you, the skills and talents in you.

A little girl was playing in a park in her neighborhood. One day she saw a man selling balloons- the ones filled with gas. He had a bunch of them all swaying in the breeze but tied together at the bottom. They were bright colored ones. She stood in awe admiring them. The ballon-seller noticed the girl admiring his balloons. He released the first balloon -a bright red colored one in the air. It rose higher and higher until it was invisible. The girl stood staring at the sky. Next, he released a blue one, then a pink, a yellow. A white and black remained.

She had always heard from her folks that black was, not a good color. She ran “‘up to the man. “Will this black balloon fly and rise up, like the other balloons she asked with doubts. “My people at home dislike black. It brings bad omen they say.”

The man smiled at her. My little girl the black ballon too will fly and rise up to the sky like the other balloons. It isn't because of the bright colors that they fly but because of the gas I have filled in each balloon. So this black one too shall rise higher to the sky. To confirm he released the black balloon. It rose higher and higher and higher until it was out of sight.

We all have certain talents and skills put within us by the CREATOR. We have to analyze our talents, understand what is best for us. We need not take the same beaten path, paths that have worked best for others may not necessarily be good for oneself. Discover yourself. What is it that you are good at, that brings out your inner self, your talents. Polish your skills. Focus on your talents, find ways to enhance them. Life will be beautiful and meaningful.

Else its like, I love to Dance, but my peers have enrolled in music. I don't want to be left out. Tell me how will music come from a sad heart?

