Traditional Mexican Remedies For The Common Cold

Cold remedies my mother and her abuela swear by.

Sandra Ivonne
Cuss-Words & Caffeine


As a child, If I came down with the common cold, my mother knew exactly what to do. If I was anxious, she knew the remedy straight away. She would tell me stories about how her abuelita (grandmother) would make her these concoctions, and give them to her whenever she got sick.

Even as an adult, I still find myself using my mom’s traditional natural remedies. They’re nostalgic and I wholeheartedly believe in the medicinal properties of natural food and drink. The fact that they’re delicious is a nice plus too.

Limón y miel (lemon and honey)

Honey has antibacterial properties, is full of antioxidants, and is a natural cough suppressant. Lemon is full of vitamin C, which helps to give your immune system a good boost.

For a cough or sore throat, my mom would combine the juice of at least half a lemon, and three tablespoons of honey in a mug. You can use however much you need depending on how sweet (or tart) you want it to be.

You also have the option of warming it up in the microwave for a few seconds but I take mine either way. It’s delicious and it reminds me of sour candy without all the added processed sugar.



Sandra Ivonne
Cuss-Words & Caffeine

Veterinary Assistant, abstract painter, bisexual, Mexican American, dog/cat mom & lover of coffee. I write about pet care, and whatever else strikes my fancy.