School Learning Management System Like Schoology: Features And Pricing

Custom LMS
Published in
6 min readMay 2, 2022

Learning and technology are the two things that will never fade away from our society. No matter what we do or where we are, these two factors will always account for the majority of the success that people may achieve. In the initial days, experts learned to create technology, and today, technology is allowing people to become experts. It truly is a great time to be alive as you have some of the finest opportunities available with the best tech to help you reach there. Services like LMS consulting have taken over the entire education sector and have created a well-managed system that makes it better than ever. Schoology is a good example of an LMS that can be implemented in an educational environment as it has a lot of features that can be of great value for students and teachers.

More than 60,000 K-12 schools around the world use an LMS to simplify their everyday tasks. The idea of implementing an LMS in a school emerged from the problems that the management of the school used to face while working offline. In today’s day and age where everything has become digital, handling a paper trail that leads to a lot of confusion is not an option as it is bound to cause mismanagement. With the help of the Schoology learning management system, the users can rely on a tool to manage their data so that whenever they are in need, they can instantly access the information without having to depend on an administrator.

A lot of organizations feel that spending money on learning management systems is not worth it as they are too expensive and require a lot of maintenance. There is hardly any difference in the costing but the nature of enterprises often derives them away from the best options. Old school institutes often avoid going digital because they are worried about getting stuck in the process of learning and they firmly believe that their data will be at risk all the time. Well, clearly, they are unaware of finding the best features that schools can benefit from. Take a look at the next section to realize some of the best features you can get with the school learning management system.

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Features of Schoology Learning Management System You Can Get With Custom Development

For every software or tool that you implement, one of the most crucial factors is the number of features that it will bring on board. Implementing a software, for a lot of institutes means complete automation which is absurd as at the end of the day it is you who has to operate the software, however, looking at the type of clientele, LMS development companies often try to build the best possible software through which automation can be achieved in certain operations. Here are some of the finest features that you can get with the school learning management software -

Internal Assessment Management

All the internal assessments that a school plans for a student can be easily managed with the help of the feature. You do not have to worry about the internal assessment of the students with an LMS.

Flexibility in Learning

Since an LMS is available 24*7 and that too online, a student has all the flexibility to access and start learning anytime they like. This helps them in proper completion of the course without the stress of a deadline.

Attendance Tracking

For any school, attendance is one of the most important aspects of management. The cases of proxy and substitution are real which is why LMSs have attendance tracking which keeps the presence or absence of a student under proper surveillance.

Blended Learning

With the help of interactive videos, audio, pdf notes, and other study material, students get to experience blended learning which is more effective. With the help of such interactive methods, you can yield better results from the students without any problems.

Multi-Authoring Tools

Collaboration brings a lot of things together for a student. In schools, when there are multiple subject specialists, the ease of curating content that Multi-authoring tools bring on board is priceless. With the help of such tools, you are free to combine the efforts of multiple professors.

LMS Applications & Plugins

LMS is something that goes beyond a school or an enterprise. With the help of LMS applications like LMS integration, you can enhance the overall performance of your management and bring ease of access to the administrators from across the departments in your institute.

Classroom Management

The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that you have to stay ready for the worst. With a school learning management system, you get access to classroom management tools which means you can even create, curate, and manage your classes online without worrying about the quality of education as it will be taken care of by the software.

With all these features, you can understand the importance of a school management software and how it can simplify the entire learning process and experience for both teachers and students. Going for automation is still a decision that seems dicey however when it comes to simplifying the process, LMS solutions are the best way to move forward. These features make implementing a Schoology learning management system smooth as butter.

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Pricing & Expenses of a School Learning Management System: Is it Worth it?

Now that you are familiar with the features you get and how they work, you might have got an idea that all of it comes at a price. The prices or should we say, the lack of knowledge about prices are one of the factors that institutes, schools, and enterprises avoid getting the software ready. The fancy features and the nature of the software make it look extremely expensive while the reality is quite the opposite. If we talk about learning management systems in general, they are not really expensive as long as you are looking for basic functionalities and simplification in your offline management. Things start to get a bit costlier when you go for extra features that look fancy but are of no use whatsoever.

Talking about the cost, the school learning management system is worth every penny when you take assistance from a custom LMS development company. Why custom? Because when you go for a bundled package, you have to pay for unnecessary features that may not be of use to you. In such cases, taking custom help can be the best as not only do you get what you want, but you also find advice related to what else you can add or reduce from the LMS that you plan to take.

If we talk about the pricing of the school learning management system or Schoology for that matter, you will realize that multiple platforms have listed multiple quotes for the same. Now, why is that? The simple logic behind it is that a custom LMS always varies in terms of features and prices. This implies that the prices of any school LMS depend on the features you choose and the service package that you opt for.

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Schoology learning management system is something that has become the need of every institute. Without it, proper administration without having a hectic day is nearly impossible. The best use case of the system is to reduce paper trails and rely on digital resources that are safe and always available. If you go for a Saas LMS, you can forget any worries as the maintenance and security of the data is the concern of the service provider and they are always effective. The features of your LMS decide the functionalities and that is the reason, you need to be hundred percent sure that you choose an appropriate company to assist you with the development process. This brings us to the end of this blog, you can rely on the experts in the industry such as A3Logics who have a dedicated team of experts to help you with LMS solutions and every other query that you have. Hope you make the most out of the resources available to you, Good Luck!

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Custom LMS

A3logics delivers value-added industry-specific business technology consulting, IT solutions and services to businesses across the globe.