Messmate Timber Furniture:

Beautiful and Unique Creations

Jeremy Huggins
Custom Timber Furniture


Relatively new to the scene, Messmate timber furniture has quickly become one of the more popular choices when it comes to handmade, high quality pieces. The connoisseur need only view a sample of the exquisite items made with this timber to understand its rise in popularity, but there’s more to it than immediately meets the eye.
Some key properties make Messmate timber stand out among the crowd. It’s attractive wood, with gum veins creating intricate patterns in the grain. It tends to be a light brown colour, and takes to stains especially well. This means it can fit into a wide variety of décor styles. It’s also a sturdy material, tending to be more resistant and forgiving of bumps and scratches than others.
Creating furniture with Messmate timber is a labor of love, which is easily reflected when viewing any piece. Handmade furniture of this nature is always going to be unique; there simply isn’t one table that looks like another, thanks to the variety of patterns in the wood and allowing its natural beauty to shine out. Owing to how these pieces are made, it’s also possible to work out a custom design with a craftsman, fit to your exact needs.
With Messmate timber furniture, you’ll have a stunning piece that never fails to impress. Whether you’ve already established your décor or are looking for a new interior design, it’s hard to go wrong with Messmate furniture.



Jeremy Huggins
Custom Timber Furniture

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