Archive of stories published by Customer Driven

we’re moving on

I wanted to just send you a quick note to let you know about our new publication called Seeking Wisdom.

We originally had this one (Customer Driven) as an experiment — but then we launched our podcast called Seeking Wisdom and it started to take off with over 10,000…

7 Truths of Entrepreneurship: “Get Sh*t Done”

When you walk into Brooklyn Boulders, you’re greeted with brightly painted walls in a graffiti-like style that take inspiration from the Boston skyline. Crowds of people climb its rock walls.

Customer interviews are messy, and that’s okay.

My favorite customer interviewing framework I learned from Josh Porter with Nelson Joyce and the UX Sisters. It’s a condensed and simplified version of the Scientific Method. The main idea is to decompose a simple “choice” into three buckets:

These were the top 10 stories published by Customer Driven; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016.