How can the small companies grow big with the right Mobile CRM?

Seize the New-Age Mobile Opportunities!

Customer Experience and Technology
6 min readOct 5, 2018


Mobile phones have become a necessity for this world. The dependency on mobile phones is increasing day-by-day owing to the benefits like convenience, accessibility, affordability, and personalisation. We feel independent by depending on these smart devices. There is no looking back.

Small business owners need to draw their attention towards this smartphone trend. In other words, they need to focus on the Mobile CRM strategy. CRM or Customer Relationship Management, in simple terms, refers to a database or system holding and managing all the records of the customers. Mobile CRM includes the use of mobile and tablet devices for the employees and the customers for real-time interactions using these data records.

As simple as it sounds! But, there’s more to it. Mobile CRM has evolved over time. It is a sophisticated solution to collect, analyse and use the information for meaningful actions and relations. It offers everything that a business needs when it comes to managing and ‘using’ the data records. Mobile CRM allows the businesses to go beyond the traditional processing. Let’s explore a few aspects of the Mobile CRM strategy-

Independent Workforce

There is an exponential growth in the mobile global workforce. As per the industry predictions, 1.87 billion people will become mobile employees by 2022. It means 42.5% of the total global workforce will be mobile. It was also found that the productivity of the sales workforce using mobile CRM grows by an average of 15%.

In today’s dynamic world, a business cannot be confined to desks or not even desktops. Allowing mobility to the workforce has its own set of benefits. The working hours are not limited to 10 to 5. Mobile CRM helps the workforce to be more efficient. They have complete access to customer history, interactions, and requirements that help them to take a better approach for sales and support.

Mobile CRM offers on-the-go features to access and update data. For instance, the field sales or service representatives can continue doing their work while they are at home, on their desks, at the customer site, any remote location or travelling around for work. They need not wait to begin their day from office or end up to duplicate the work.

Competitive Edge

According to Mobile Advertising Forecasts by Zenith, the smartphone usage has increased 2.4 times over the last few years, and this penetration is expected to rise from 56% in 2016 to 63% by 2018.

Mobile devices occupy a major share of our life. This generation leverages smartphones for almost every purpose including shopping, booking, council services, healthcare, education, ordering food, maintenance & repairs, etc. There is no end to a range of apps we have in the market. It is a good opportunity for small businesses to attract consumers by being into their mobile devices in the form of applications (that are good, user-friendly and full of features). Self-service is the hot potato. And, mobile CRM empowers the customers with the self-service capabilities.

It’s tough to get a grip over your customers. And, it’s easy for them to seek other options. The Rockefeller Corporation had highlighted the fact that 82% of customers prefer to leave if they think that the company doesn’t care about them. A business can use mobile CRM to make it an effortless, flawless and convenient experience for them. Give them what they want, whenever they want and wherever they want right on their fingertips! Eye the best CRM app experience.

Reduced Sales/Service Cycle

Gartner believes that more than 40% of all data analytics projects will relate to an aspect of CX. Furthermore, the jobs of 1 million phone-based customer support agents will be disrupted by AI. Also, virtual agents will take over 10% of B2C initial customer engagement requests.

Mobile CRM solution is able to drive major business growth by reducing sales and support cycle length. It is easier to manage data, gather analysis and understand customer behaviour. This leads to faster response and better arrangements. It is possible to achieve higher first-fix rates, higher lead conversion and reduces repetitive efforts. The employees are able to achieve their targets by having accurate information.

The gap between receiving a request, processing it, assigning it, the response and the action is drastically reduced as the solution uses smart scheduling and a centralised database to coordinate the work. The customers know what’s happening to their order/requests, the workforce knows what they need to do and the process gets shorter and effective. For SMBs, it is quite beneficial as they can get more with less.

Easy Integrations and Meaningful Insights

By 2020, acumen from the AI-connected devices, places, and things will transform collaboration strategy focus from groups to networks of individuals in 10% of organizations. The global predictive analytics market is expected to increase from $3.89 billion in 2016 to $14.95 billion by 2023.

The customers are inclined to seek the help of the Internet to research the products or services online before making a purchase. And, they use their mobile devices to browse and shop. This fact puts a great emphasis on the need to have Mobile CRM in place. The mobile platform can be of great help to collect data and offer a personalised experience.

There will be more data than we could think of a decade ago. And it is important to break down the silos of information into a single system. Integrating all other systems and applications into Mobile CRM is useful to drive meaningful insights. It helps to make informed decisions. For small businesses, it is crucial to utilise an all-in-one platform that promotes a seamless collaboration.

Flexibility, Affordability, Scalability

By 2021, more than half of global enterprises already using cloud today will adopt an all-in cloud strategy.

One of the greatest advantages of using the Mobile CRM is that it is backed by the power of cloud technology. A mobile approach for SMBs means configurable features, scalable user licenses, no upfront infrastructure investment and no extra maintenance costs. It follows the pay-as-you-go model allowing businesses to explore options, experiment and implement things within their budgets.

Also, it gives a degree of freedom to attract customers and engage the employees. A mobile device comes handy and doesn’t need any extra investment. It’s a pocket-friendly way to go paperless. Next, it also offers the features to automate certain repetitive administrative processes to reduce the extra efforts allowing the workforce to focus on critical tasks.

The Next Big Thing?

We predict that the Mobile CRM revolution is happening now and it’s here to stay. Small-sized businesses are in the race to increase their sales and workforce productivity. It can get really tough for them to achieve all the goals at a single go with the available resources. Mobile-based solutions can help SMBs to kill two birds with one stone. The best CRM app comes handy for the customers to browse and engage with the organisation. And, employees get a fair idea of customers and independence to work without restrictions.

With the profusion of benefits, it is quite possible for the businesses to rush towards implementing a solution. But, wait! A hasty decision can be quite risky especially for the SMBs. They have to be careful in choosing a vendor. It is imperative to understand your operations and analyse how Mobile CRM will fit into it. Then, take a decision. Considering the following points can lead to a better decision-

  • How do you manage the work at present? (Excel, paper-based methods, Spreadsheets, etc.)
  • What aspects of your business can be moved to the mobile working scenario?
  • Understand your customers (age, demographics, willingness to use mobile, etc.)
  • Readiness of your employees to go mobile.
  • What is the level of competition?
  • Deciding on the approximate budget.
  • Evaluating the available options.

It’s not going to be easy. But, once you adopt the mobile strategy and choose the best CRM app, it will become a lot simpler to manage your processes, employees, data, and customers. Mobile CRM offers a comprehensive solution to streamline business operations.

Do more with the Mobile!

Originally published at on October 5, 2018.



Customer Experience and Technology

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