What is NOT about Customer Interaction

Mohammed Belyamani
customer interaction
2 min readNov 21, 2020

The customer interaction streamline system, what it is NOT about.
We will go in this through seven elements and myths about the customer interaction system:

  • It is not about maximizing the interaction. Some interactions are unnecessary and you want to get them to the ZERO. It is rather to optimize interactions and grow the value around them.
  • It is not about a layer of customer service that comes at the end of your value proposition, it is rather a shift of the culture, processes, policies… It is a system that manifests through the whole chain of the value proposition of the business
  • It is not about adding an extra layer of operations that comes with their own workload, it is rather a reengineering and improvement of the existing processes and their evolution around the customer centric
  • It is not about standardizing the communications and the content only for the sake of automation, it is rather a personalization of the content with standardized automated processes
  • It is not about monetizing your products and up selling your services, it is rather thoughtful transformation toward fulfilling the emerging needs of your customers and growing the value of exchange with their expectations
  • It’s not about setting the end of your horizon, and the ultimate state and goal to reach out, it is rather to get into the continuous process of change and have the right system to sustain this change and support the growth.
  • It is not about getting aligned with your competitors and benchmarking externally with them, it is rather building your own capabilities based on the data and insights coming out of the nature of interactions with your own customers, which shift the focus from getting into the distraction of copying others to naturally mature your processes and innovate through your path of growth.

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Mohammed Belyamani
customer interaction

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