Contributor guidelines

Customer service automation magazine
2 min readFeb 26, 2019

Thanks for your interest in writing for the Customer service automation magazine! Guest posts are an excellent opportunity to for us to educate our audience on a broader range of topics outside of our team’s expertise.

Below are a few things to keep in mind when submitting an idea for the blog.

What Can You Write About?

Our blog focuses heavily on customer service automation, but we also cover other, related topics our audience is interested in.

Our audience is mainly customer support professionals.

Specific topics we would love you to write about:

  • What AI is bringing to customer support
  • What are the benefits of automating customer support
  • What are the right KPIs for assessing automation
  • What part of customer service can or should be done through self-service
  • How should agents and bots interact together
  • Knowledge bases and knowledge base tools
  • How easy is it to implement AI or chatbots
  • Chatbot design
  • Which channels are best suited for automation
  • Of the benefits of live chat support
  • The customer agent pain points


  • To provide our audience with actionable tips, tools, and general strategies that will help them achieve cost savings in their customer support through automation.
  • To give readers advice that they can put to work immediately after reading.
  • To share unique perspectives on topics that are considered over-saturated.


  • Length: we like going in-depth, but also writing concisely. Aim for the 1,500–2,000 word range for most posts.
  • Posts should be informative. Whenever you affirm something please make sure you provide the arguments and facts or figures that can corroborate the information.
  • Your post should be well-written original content free of grammatical errors.
  • Include at least one high-res image or high quality graph in your post.

Thanks for helping us writing the best content about Customer service automation !



Customer service automation magazine

Botfuel is an #AI-fueled #platform for building smart #chatbots for customer support