What Can a Virtual Receptionist Service Do for My Business?

Vicky Virtual
Small Business Success
3 min readNov 13, 2015

Imagine that you called a business in order to find out more information or place an order, and you were abruptly greeted by an automated phone menu. You choose the option to leave a message in a general voicemail box, and are forced to wait to hear back.

Now, imagine that you called that same business, and you were instead greeted by a cheerful, helpful, live receptionist who introduces herself, and asks how she can help you.

Which business would you most likely choose to become a customer of?

Now, consider which option you would want your own customers greeted by when they call you.

Key Facts to Consider

  • Did you know that more than 50% of mobile callers want to complete a purchase when they call a business directly?
  • Did you also know that 79% of callers say they will not call back if their call goes unanswered?
  • Tech news keeps proclaiming “phone calls are dead”. However, the data suggests the exact opposite.
  • All the data actually suggests with the growth of mobile, inbound sales calls will double from 30 billion to 60 billion in 3 years (source: Kelsey)
  • In fact 61% of all mobile searches where a customer contacts a business it is via a phone call (source: Google).

Those statistics, and more can be found here.

If you are missing these calls, you are missing out on a lot of business. Small businesses, solo entrepreneurs, and attorneys regularly miss out on big opportunities because they are too busy to answer the phone.

However, not everyone can afford to hire a receptionist full-time, or has the time to train them, set up the technology, and then deal with HR issues, benefits, days off, vacation time, etc.

Others only need overflow coverage, or help answering the phone during breaks, or days when their staff is unavailable.

If you’re an entrepreneur or small business owner who doesn’t want to spend all of your time on the phone, and you don’t want to hire an overseas, outsourced call center, but you are unable to hire full-time staff, a virtual receptionist service is perfect for you.

What a Virtual Receptionist Service Can Do for Your Business:

  • Give you peace of mind by knowing that your customers will be greeted by a cheerful, upbeat, and professional receptionist whenever they call you.
  • Make your customers love you! Friendly, helpful receptionists will put a smile on your customer’s faces, and help you retain, and create loyal customers for life!
  • Treat your customers like our own! A virtual receptionist an handle calls intelligently by determining if the caller is an existing customer, new customer, hot lead, urgent call, etc.
  • Help you focus on what you do best, instead of spending all of your time at your desk answering calls.
  • Capture lost revenue! 89% of customers will purchase from whoever answers the phone first. You can’t afford to let your calls go unanswered.
  • Help you become highly efficient! You save money by only paying for what you use. You no longer have to hire a full-time, in-house secretary, or deal with sick days, vacation days, bad attitudes, lunch breaks, etc.

Here at Vicky Virtual Receptionists, we do all of this, and much more!

The most important benefit of all is that we make your customers happy. Our mission is to create happiness in every interaction, and turn callers into lifelong customers of the businesses we serve.

We tailor our service specifically to your needs. Whether you need us to simply take messages from callers, schedule appointments, answer questions using an FAQ, or provide a wide spectrum of assistance, we will work with you to provide exactly what you need to run your business effectively.

You can find out more about our services here.

Originally published at blog.vickyvirtual.com on November 13, 2015.



Vicky Virtual
Small Business Success

Vicky Virtual Receptionists give you more time, and helps you grow your businesses by handling your phone calls with a smile! www.vickyvirtual.com