How to lead a Customer Success team

Anna Tomalik
Customer Success Driven
4 min readMar 26, 2020

A few months ago, I was lucky to interview my teammate and head of the Customer Success team at Piwik PRO, Alicja Heyduk. It was a pleasure to work with her. Alicja is a young woman who drives the team with wisdom and sensitivity. And she’s crazy about Customer Success. Enjoy our conversation!

What motivates you?

To be honest, I’m a self-motivated person. My motivation boosts when I feel valued and appreciated. I like what I do, and I enjoy working, especially when I’m a part of something great. I also need to know that my actions have a positive impact — when I see the results of my hard work that I can be proud of, I’m more than happy.

What is most important in your day-to-day job?

Ever since I was a kid, my mom told me that the best improvisation is prepared improvisation. So I went through life focusing on being well-prepared for everything. Of course, I wanted to apply this rule to my day-to-day work. So I could say the most important thing is to plan and prepare for everything scheduled for a day. But in reality, it’s not possible. You need to be ready for anything. You need to learn how to overcome all the unforeseen bumps on the road. And you need to accept that you can’t control everything.

What advice would you give to people who want to become leaders of customer success teams?

First of all, it’s not about the job title but about what you actually would like to achieve in the organization. Every good leader, whether it is a Customer Success, marketing or product team, thinks and executes on his or her vision to inspire the team and people around. There’s a difference between being a manager and being a leader. A manager focuses on processes, KPIs, control, and optimization. A leader focuses on people — he or she mentors, coaches, develops relationships, drives creativity, and innovation.

A leader’s role requires a certain skill set that one can have or may develop. A good leader needs to have exceptional communication skills and be a good listener. He should have a clear vision, be passionate, and committed. Leaders should also be self-driven to achieve better results for the company. He should be empathetic, responsible, and have integrity. He should show that he cares and is respectful.

How do you relax after a long day?

I tend to throw myself into work, and sometimes it’s hard to stop thinking about work-related topics after I leave my office. That’s why I like to switch my mind off after a long day, sometimes by working out, watching a movie, using a mindfulness app — depends on a day.

What are the worst parts of your job?

I’m not sure if it’s the worst part, but it’s the most difficult — the fact that you can’t make everyone happy. People in the organization — your boss, your team, other managers — expect a lot from you, and you want to meet those expectations. You compromise a lot every day, but sometimes people are left unsatisfied with the outcome. There’s little you can do about it.

What is the best thing that ever happened to you in your job?

The best thing about my job is that I had leaders who believed in me, who trusted my judgment and were open to my ideas. Even when I made some mistakes along the way, it helped me grow as a professional, and it made me who I am today. For that, I’m very grateful.

Do you have time for hobbies?

Yes. I believe that if you’re passionate about something, you can always make the time for it.

Do you need to love your job to be good at it?

It helps. But I don’t think you need to love your job to be good at it. The work ethic is more important. People who have a strong work ethic are intrinsically motivated to perform their best. They demonstrate a set of values that leads them to produce high-quality work, and the output motivates them to stay on track.

If you want to be good at your job, you don’t need to love it, but you should have a desire and determination to work hard to achieve goals. This is the most important trait I’m looking for while interviewing candidates. I know that people with a strong work ethic are usually top performers.

How to stay calm in stressful situations? How do you manage that?

When I feel overwhelmed, and I don’t know what to do at the moment, I try not to make hasty decisions. I take my time and try to stay positive. Often, I reach out to people I trust and respect to share my thoughts out loud. It’s not even about asking for advice, sometimes just explaining the situation to someone can help you find a solution.



Anna Tomalik
Customer Success Driven

Copywriter @ Piwik PRO, life lover, staring at the sky from my hammock.