5 lessons I’ve learned from consulting big companies

Natallia Dunets
Published in
4 min read2 days ago

I’m a Senior Salesforce Consultant, working with medium and big companies since 2017. And I noticed some patterns that I want to discuss with you.

1. The Importance of Integration and Automation of Various Processes in a Company

In large companies, there is a significant demand for the automation of routine tasks. Therefore, a wide range of tools is utilized to facilitate this work. Proper automation of routine tasks and the integration of various systems enable corporations to operate seamlessly and achieve new heights in business. For example, integrating CRM and ERP systems, email servers, and more.

As consultants, it is crucial for us to periodically assess the relevance, flexibility, and scalability of current solutions and maintain them. This is why I continually explore new Salesforce tools, such as AI and Data Cloud. This enables us to deliver the best solutions to our clients, enhancing the performance of their business processes.

2. Data Security

In today’s reality, data security is one of the key priorities for large companies. Serious vulnerabilities impact the reputation and trust of clients. According to the latest report from IBM, for 4/5 of companies, it’s not IF a data breach happens, but WHEN. So, we must be prepared and make it as difficult as possible.

However, Salesforce provides a lot of tools to boost security. And I dived deeper into this area to become more proficient at it. I even took part in a Salesforce meetup to share my experience!

Fortunately, Salesforce provides a lot of instruments to help us. Admins also can check the Security Health Check Score and fix major issues in a few clicks! Therefore, our clients may need to meet complex internal and regulatory compliance requirements in Financial (PCI DSS, GLBA), Healthcare (HIPAA), or other industries (GDPR, CCPA, PIPEDA). And I with Salesforce tools also can help with it!

I participated in a project where one of my responsibilities was the deletion of personal data upon client request. I deleted all data that could be deleted, while the remaining data was anonymized. In this way, we complied with GDPR requirements.

3. Adaptability and Flexibility

The modern world is constantly changing, and flexibility in approaches allows us to adapt to these changes. The implementation of Agile methodologies impacts the success of companies in today’s realities.

I believe that adaptability is crucial for me as a consultant in working with our clients. When joining a project, I strive to understand the current technical solutions and business processes to have a comprehensive understanding of the needs and pain points of our clients. In such conditions, it is important to think outside the box to propose solutions that can significantly improve business processes.

I also use Agile approaches in planning and implementing improvements in my professional and personal life. For example, I manage personal projects in three-week sprints, allocating specific time for tasks after evaluating them in advance. Flexibility allows me to quickly assess the initial results and make decisions for the next steps based on them.

4. The Power of Networking

With the onset of COVID-19, corporations began to adopt online formats for communication and networking among employees. Top management made efforts to bridge the emerging gap between themselves and their employees, and people united in communities based on shared interests. Working with partners in large companies, I recognized the importance of building connections not only within projects but also outside of them. This allows me, as a professional, to better understand the processes occurring within the company, make informed decisions, and plan my career goals.

At Customertimes, we aim to be more than just task executors; we strive to become trusted partners for our clients. Networking within projects enhances trust in me as both a specialist and a person, and helps create a positive experience for our clients when interacting with us. Because they know their issues and concerns have been heard and addressed.

5. Management for Employees

I grew up in a post-Soviet country, where there was a strict hierarchy between boss and subordinate. In the early years of my career in IT and as a consultant, I was surprised to see relationships between managers and employees based on mutual respect, support for development, and problem-solving. Through some companies, I saw what it means to be a “manager for the employee.” When managers create the best conditions for employees, the employees, in turn, are motivated to work towards results. I apply this approach in my everyday work with colleagues. I understand how important it is to build kind and trusting relationships where there is no room for fear or humiliation.

I strive to build relationships in which there will be open communication, mutual respect, collaborative goal setting, professional development by supporting career growth, recognition, and feedback.

I have shared with you five lessons I have learned while working on projects in large companies. Reflecting on my experience, I can say that a significant portion of a company’s success is due to the efficient work of motivated employees who are free from tedious routine tasks. Transparent and understandable processes add a level of certainty and stability, which also positively impacts the overall psychological and emotional well-being of employees.

