10 Effective and Nutritious Healthy Foods for the Monthly Meal Plan

Robert Hill
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
4 min readApr 20, 2021

This article lists the 10 foods that deem as the most effective and nutritious healthy food for the monthly vegan meal plan.

Monthly Meal Plan
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It’s vital to have knowledge of the most nutritious and healthful foods. A consistently balanced diet is the key to a healthy life. Here we have covered the 10 most healthy foods you can consider in your monthly vegan meal plan.

So, keep scrolling down!

Nuts, Pulses, and Grains

You read correct nuts, pulses, and grains. They are highly nutritious. The following are the most nutritious:

customized meal plan
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1. Almonds provide plenty of nutrients, like magnesium, vitamin E, fiber, iron, riboflavin. Moreover, a study found that consuming almonds considerably reduces cholesterol levels.

2. Bertholletia excela, aka, Brazil nuts are an excellent source of carbs and proteins. They also provide vitamin B-1, vitamin E, zinc, and magnesium in reasonable amounts. Brazil nuts are en-rich in selenium that helps in maintaining thyroid function and an excellent antioxidant.

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3. A Lentil is a pulse that features notably Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Nepal, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka. Lentils contain fiber, potassium, and magnesium in good amounts.

They usually take a long cooking time. Adding a container of sprouted lentils into your lunchbox powered with some chili powder makes a perfect and delicious snack.

4. Research has found that the oatmeal fiber content helps to reduce cholesterol levels and lower cardiovascular risk factors. Oats also contain complex carbs and water-soluble fiber that slows down digestion and stabilize blood glucose levels. Oatmeal is a good source of potassium. You can add oats to your customized meal plan for some better results.

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5. Wheat germ is highly enriched in fiber, vitamin E, zinc, magnesium, fatty alcohols, folic acid, and phosphorus. It is the part of wheat that grows into a plant. It is the embryo of a seed.

Fruits, Vegetables, and Berries

Fruits, vegetables, and berries are easy to embrace into the monthly diet plan. The following are some of the most nourishing:

6. Phytonutrients help to reduce the risk of developing cancers, diabetes, and heart disease. You can find phytonutrients in broccoli. It also a good source of fiber, calcium, folate, and potassium. A single half-cup of broccoli can provide an 85% daily vitamin C requirement. According to a study, broccoli contains a sulforaphane compound, which may have anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory qualities.

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7. Apple is an excellent antioxidant. Some studies have suggested that antioxidants in applies might extend a person’s life span and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases.

8. Try Kale. A leafy green vegetable enriched with a wide range of different nutrients. It is an excellent source of vitamins C and K. You can cook or steam the kale. Moreover, you can blend it into smoothies or juices.

9. Blueberries provide a significant amount of antioxidants, fiber, and phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are not essential for survival like minerals and vitamins, but they may help in preventing disease. In a 2019 review, it was suggested that consuming blueberries may protect against cognitive decline that may reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

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10. Many people avoid avocados in their 30 days meal plan because it has high-fat content. However, avocados provide vitamins B, K, and E. They are also a good source of fiber. A test-tube study of 2019 has shown that colored avocado seed extract lowered the life span of breast, prostate, and colon cancer cells.

The Last Words…

After reading these 10 effective and nutritious healthy foods for the monthly meal plan, you might be now ready to begin your health journey! Making a decision to enjoy a healthier lifestyle is a crucial part of many people’s lives.



Robert Hill
Diet & Nutrition

My name is Robert Hill, I am a vegan athlete and owner of My Vegan Athlete. I want to help others achieve their goals by sharing my knowledge.