Top 7 Nutrition Tips For Vegan Athletes With Monthly Meal Plan

Robert Hill
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
4 min readMar 8, 2021

Losing weight can be pretty challenging, especially when you are a vegan. You have to restrict yourself not only to healthy food but also to a plant-based diet. You might think it is hard to get a perfectly toned body when you are on a plant-based diet, but it can be pretty manageable if you have the right tricks up your sleeves.

Meal plan
Image Source: Pexels

From martial arts to bodybuilding, CrossFit to triathlon, losing weight can be pretty quickly done by implementing a vegan athlete’s meal plan. Let us get acquainted with the nutrition tips you need to follow for getting the body of your dreams.

1. Hydration is the Key to Successful Fitness Regime:

Staying hydrated is the need of the hour if you want to keep your body enriched and rejuvenated. Your body will refuse to function to its full potential if you are dehydrated. Drinking enough water throughout the day is as necessary as breathing, especially when trying to get a healthy body. Catching up with hydration is not something you can do. So, it is always better to hydrate consistently.

Meal plan
Image Source: Pexels

2. Hydrating Sports Drinks can be a Pretty Good Option Too:

When you are working out, your body tends to lose electrolytes. An electrolyte drink such as coconut water can replenish electrolytes lost through sweat. It is an incredible alternative to high-sugar sports drinks.

3. Consider Supplementation if you can afford it:

If you are on a budget, you need not worry about spending a truckload of money on supplements. They are an iceberg’s tip, the iceberg being a varied, nutrient-dense whole food plant-based diet. Cerebral you should do is invest in a customized meal plan, get enough sleep, hydrate consistently, and use methods to reduce stress, and you are good to go.

4. Vitamin B12 is the Only Essential Supplement:

You must look for a sublingual B12 spray in addition to B12 fortified foods. The latter includes cereals, nutritional yeast, and store-bought plant-based milk. There are many other supplement considerations, as well. Magnesium, Creatine, Protein powder, Vitamin D3, and Omega-3 with EPA and DHA are alternative supplements.

Image Source: Pexels

5. Plan a Colorful Diet for Yourself:

You have nothing to worry about regarding micro and macro-nutrient deficiencies if you do a plant-based diet right. You must stick to foods as close to their natural state as you can. If you gorge on a wide variety of whole, plant foods, you are sure to get plenty of minerals, vitamins, proteins, antioxidants, and essential amino acids.

Amino Acid
Image Source: Pexels

6. Your Post-Workout Meal Should be Enriching:

Eating a well-balanced, nutrient-dense meal within 90 minutes of your workout session is imperative. Refueling appropriately can aid in recovery and maintain the ability to train again soon. Paying attention to carbohydrates, protein, and fluid intake is imperative.

Weekly meal
Image Source: Pexels

7. Eat a Lot of Veggies:

Snacking on loads of raw veggies, adding vegetables to all your main dishes, throwing in some nutrient-dense greens like kale and spinach into your smoothies are some of the ways to incorporate veggies into your diet.

Image Source: Pexels

Create a healthy vegan meal plan to maintain your fitness and follow these nutrition tips simultaneously. Nothing can then stop you from getting the dream body you’ve always wanted to achieve.



Robert Hill
Diet & Nutrition

My name is Robert Hill, I am a vegan athlete and owner of My Vegan Athlete. I want to help others achieve their goals by sharing my knowledge.