Top 8 Nutrients For Vegan Athlete For Building Muscles

Robert Hill
Diet & Nutrition
Published in
3 min readFeb 22, 2021

Did you know you can maintain strong bones and gain muscles, even on a vegan diet? In this blog, we are going to put an end to the misconception that eating a vegan diet and being a strong fit athlete are mutually exclusive.

Meal Plan
Image Source: Pexels

A healthy monthly vegan meal plan is not that different from a normal diet, with the exception of meat and animal products. When we exercise, our body releases feel-good hormones, but at the same time puts our body in a state of stress.

When you work hard, it becomes more important to look after the nutrient requirement of your body. Exercise produces stress on your body and increases the need for certain nutrients. If you are an athlete, you will understand this point better than any other person.

As vegan diets become popular amongst athletes, it’s time to answer the question,” how do vegans build muscles with a plant-based diet, and what nutrients they require? Let’s find the answer in this blog.

Vegan Meal Plan
Image Source: Pexels


It’s one of the essential macro-nutrient for muscle growth. It comes with amino acids. With a protein post-workout, your body can restore these muscle-building macronutrients.


Calcium not only builds strong bones but is responsible for muscle contraction. Our muscles consist of two proteins, myosin, and actin. During muscle contraction, these proteins are converted to ATP. ATP helps in moving muscles.


Glutamine plays an essential role in repairing muscle tissues after your body experiences stress during high-intensity exercise.


If you think carbs make you fat, trust us; it’s the best building block for muscles. It’s the key nutrient that helps in muscle growth and repairs your muscles. Whole grains, vegetables, and fruits are rich in carbohydrates.

Image Source: Pexels


After a workout, muscle cramps are common. To avoid them, you need beta-alanine, a non-essential amino acid that helps in reducing muscle cramps.


The reason why Popeye loved spinach is that it’s rich in iron. Iron is an essential nutrient that supplies oxygen to muscle tissues


The nutrient helps in building red blood cells in the body that transport oxygen to muscles.

Vitamin B-12
Image Source: Pexels


Potassium is the ley electrolyte your body needs that helps in muscle contraction.

These are the list of top nutrients your body needs to build muscles.



Robert Hill
Diet & Nutrition

My name is Robert Hill, I am a vegan athlete and owner of My Vegan Athlete. I want to help others achieve their goals by sharing my knowledge.