Blockchain for Media Companies Represented at IBC2019

Fred Lutz
Custos Media Technologies
2 min readAug 15, 2019
Meet with Custos at IBC: Link

The IABM Technology and Trends Roadmap released earlier this year identified Blockchain as one of the major new technologies for the broadcast industry alongside machine learning and cloud infrastructure.

More than any of the other trends or technologies listed, Blockchain is seen as bleeding edge — for the most part. It is still a nascent technology but the potential is seen for everything from content creation to delivery to monetization.

Even though most of the industry is still finding its feet, there are three more mature solutions being represented at IBC this year:


As a subsidiary of SRG SSR, SWISS TXT offers innovative media solutions for the broadcast market. Amongst a diverse range of cutting edge projects, they are part of the European Helios project, which uses blockchain technology to “create a decentralized social media platform that will address the dynamic nature of human communications in three dimensions: contextual, spatial and temporal.”


Muvi enables video & audio content owners to launch multi-device streaming platform offering live and on-demand video or audio content across web, mobile and TV. They recently launched Sanjh, a blockchain-powered content management platform. The platform offers enhanced privacy and security, transparent royalty payments, and blockchain-based tamper resistance.

Custos Media Technologies

Custos has been using patented blockchain technology and forensic watermarking to protect filmed content since 2014. To date, over 500 000 movies have been protected with a 100% success rate. Custos offers content protection solutions for video, ebooks, documents, and edtech.

These companies will all be represented at IBC. Other large players are exploring Blockchain solutions already, like Sony, IBM, and Kudelski. A recent report on Blockchain for media by Deloitte concludes:

“To ensure timely and appropriate measures, we recommend an immediate review of the individual consequences for the existing business. In addition, companies should lose no time in identifying applicable blockchain-based opportunities as a fundamental component of their future business strategy.”

Book a meeting with Custos at IBC in Amsterdam to discuss how you can use blockchain and watermarking to protect your content: link

