Relationship Humor

Every Indian Man Should Carry a Sign Board That Says ‘Married’

A danger sign that can make us take the U-turn in time

Bhavnaa Narula
Cutting Chai
Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2021


Photo by Kunal Goswami on Unsplash

Look at the above picture and answer the following question. Does the guy in the yellow jacket look married to you? Your answer should only be in a yes or no. No? Can’t figure it out? Of course, how would you? He isn’t sporting anything that can shout aloud his relationship status like most married women in India do.

There are two things that set married women apart in India —

  • A vermillion mark in the hair’s parting, and
  • A Mangal sutra around their neck.

Mangalsutra’ or the ‘auspicious thread’ is a special beaded necklace that comprises typical black and golden beads with a typical v-shaped pendant.

And the vermillion resting on her head tells about her commitment to her husband and marriage. These signboards are an unsaid statement…



Bhavnaa Narula
Cutting Chai

I am a dancer who writes what her heart dictates. My Insta ID- theaquarianparadise/ thedancingparadise28