Decisions by Data: Foundations

Willem Handreck
CV Digital
Published in
2 min readApr 13, 2018
Mike Bugembe at #CVKL18

So you’ve decided you want to make decisions with data. Whoop whoop 🎉

Let’s set a solid base together on how this can happen practically for you and your team.

Firstly, let’s start with the small and valuable. What decisions do you consistently have to make? What decisions do you make every day? Every week? Every month? List them. Be specific. The more specific you can be the easier it will be to find potential efficiency improvements.

Secondly, think about what information you need to make these decisions. List it out. And again, be specific. What information is needed? Who has it? Where is it stored? How can it be accessed? Why is it needed?

Having a picture of the repetitive decisions that are made and the information needed helps to highlight potential for increased efficiency. Sometimes this could be an improvement in communication between people or additional training. On the other hand, maybe a more technical solution is required where anything from basic dashboards to complex modelling provides the best value to your specific situation.

Once you’ve got this, applying data driven decision making in your organisation can move more easily from hype to reality.


Thoughts from a recent workshop at CV Conference in Kuala Lumpur with @MikeBugembe on practical data driven decision making within organisations.

