CV VC successfully completes financing round

Mathias Ruch
Published in
3 min readMay 28, 2021
View from CV Labs on the city of Zug, the heart of Crypto Valley

What motivated us as a basic idea three years ago when we founded CV VC is becoming increasingly clear: Blockchain will go far beyond cryptocurrencies in its areas of application. True to the principle «in a gold rush, invest in shovels» we began to invest in startups that develop applications, products and services based on blockchain technology. Existing key shareholders as well as new investors from Switzerland, EMEA, Asia and the USA participated in the capital increase of CHF 13 million.

This financing round is a significant milestone in CV VC’s young history. It underlines the strength of our business model and the attractiveness of our strategy and business plan. What CV VC has achieved in such a short time has convinced existing and new investors, as we have not only mastered the crypto winter and the Corona-related lockdown, but also achieved fundamental successes:

  • Startup portfolio: CV VC has invested in 27 startups from Switzerland, Europe, North and South America, and Africa; 22 of them via incubator and five direct investments. Five startups have experienced significant value growth.
  • Incubator: Our unique, blockchain-specific incubation program has been run twice. We screened over 2000 projects from 50 industries, 16 countries and four continents. The best startups participate in the 12-week program. The goal is to get the startups investor-ready, refine their prototypes and help them internationalize through our global network. They will also receive up to CHF 125,000 in funding.
  • Investment products: In collaboration with asset managers, CV VC launches fund certificates that are fully bankable and transferable, bridging the gap to the traditional investment world. Investors can participate in our investment strategy and growing startup portfolio. The first certificate “Technology for Tomorrow” has just been launched.
  • Own ecosystem: Under the CV Labs brand, CV VC runs an operational business consisting of our incubator, co-working spaces in Zug, Vaduz and Dubai, advisory and events (including CV Summit, Crypto Valley Week, Alpchain).
  • CV VC Top 50 Report: The biannual publication on Crypto Valley (Switzerland and Liechtenstein) has become a global reference. The reports include the total number of companies, the number of unicorns and jobs in the field, as well as an overview of the valuation of the top 50 companies. In addition, the development in the various sectors is examined in more detail.
  • Swiss Blockchain Federation: CV VC has built up the association, which is committed to maintaining and expanding the attractiveness and competitiveness of Switzerland as a blockchain hub. As a public-private partnership, the Swiss Blockchain Federation covers business, politics, science, and society and has contributed significantly to Switzerland’s new Blockchain legislation.
  • Innobooster: Together with the Swiss Blockchain Federation and the Swiss Agency for Innovation Promotion Innosuisse, CV VC runs a four-year innovation cycle to promote blockchain projects and startups.

With the capital increase and the milestones achieved, we are well positioned to further drive our national and international expansion. This includes the growth of our global startup portfolio, the launch of our third incubation program in September, and the development of additional blockchain ecosystems in Africa and Asia through the opening of new CV Labs hubs, most recently in Dubai. Last but not least, we will continue to build bridges to the traditional investment world by launching additional financial products to address specific topics such as Defi or next generation protocols.

We at CV VC are very excited about the successful capital increase and the journey ahead. We are grateful for the trust and commitment of our investors, board members, partners, supporters, and most importantly, the startup founders who continue to drive the next technology revolution.

Yours sincerely,

Mathias Ruch, CEO & Founder of CV VC

28.05.2021 — CV VC successfully completes financing round

