Interview with Johann Schneider-Ammann, new member of the board of directors

Published in
2 min readJun 18, 2020
Johann Schneider-Ammann, Former Federal Councilor and new member of the Board of Directors of CV VC

Why are you involved with CV VC in particular?

CV VC is an important player in Crypto Valley whose vision, business model and team impress me. On the one hand, CV VC invests in forward-looking start-ups that drive digitization, and on the other hand, it plays an important advisory role for these young entrepreneurs. CV VC has created its ecosystem by linking the various players and experts, organising various conferences, offering a co-working space and helping startups from all over the world to develop and implement innovative ideas through an incubation programme.

Where do you see development potential at CV VC?

CV VC is an internationally networked blockchain player. This year, a cooperation with Dubai was concluded and further discussions with other innovation and blockchain locations are ongoing. In this way, it is promoting worldwide cooperation within the industry, which is certainly something that should be striven for further.

“Crypto Valley is where innovations are made concrete.”

What is the appeal for you to get involved in Crypto Valley?

The next tech revolution is taking place right on our doorstep. Over the last six years, a unique ecosystem of over 800 companies has developed around the hotspot of Zug in Switzerland, all of which are involved in Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT). I am fascinated by the potential of this new technology and I am convinced that this gives us in Switzerland a unique opportunity to become a leader in the technology of the future. Crypto Valley is where innovations are made concrete.

How do you see the future of Crypto Valley?

Crypto Valley is home to an incredible number of good start-ups, projects and ideas. But right now, we need to join forces. Politicians and companies must work together to create the best possible conditions for Crypto Valley. This is one of the reasons why I am involved with CV VC.

“Blockchain can be regarded as the “technological incarnation” of the Swiss concept of the state.”

What fascinates you about the Blockchain technology?

The Corona Pandemic has become a test case for digital technologies and has ignited a further global digitalization push. There are still several technological challenges, such as electronic identity, secure data transmission and cyber-attacks, where innovative solutions are being sought. New technologies are therefore needed to provide answers, and I am convinced that blockchain technology will play an important role in this.

Blockchain can be regarded as the “technological incarnation” of the Swiss concept of the state. The driving idea behind Blockchain is a combination of freedom and security, independence and decentralization.



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Entrepreneurs. Invested. Involved. | Investing in early stage startups. Ecosystem: CV Summit, CV Competition, CV Incubation, CV Maps & Advisory.