Artist Interviews #9 Bulgarian Artist, based in, Canada, Painting & Drawing: Alexander Ahilov



Alexander Ahilov

The creation of my paintings is a long and unpredictable process. Sometimes the ideas come after years of developing and experimenting, sometimes it takes only a few days. Once the idea is clear in my mind and I can see it, I put it on a small format/size — digital or oil, doing different variations and working on the details. When I am satisfied with the results I start painting onthe appropriate size on canvas or a board. What I am looking for in my paintings is to transform different emotions and feelings into visual abstract tones and sizes, I analyze them deeply and try to create a new visual experience — rich in color and tone, structurally strong and challenging as a composition and texture. My main inspiration is the beauty of everyday life, but I am also very interested in the world beyond us. There are still so many question about the universe and I try to get some answers and unfold the positive energy through every piece of my art. Alexander Ahilov graduated with a Master’s degree in Drawing and Painting in 1991 from the most prestigious National Academy of Fine Arts in Sofia-Bulgaria.
His works in Bulgaria represented a return to the traditions of the Bulgarian icon with new stylized and abstract outcome. Later Alexander went to England and his paintings were transformed into new impressions exploring different textures, finely balanced in color, form and composition. After coming to Canada Alexander’s art went through another transformation. His new works are simply a return to the beauty in life and its reflections. His search for new images, textures and tonal variety keep every piece so uplifting and the search turns into a dialogue about the unknown in the Universe creating an imaginary world- sometime out of reach, sometime very close, but always present and meaningful. Alexander’s paintings are in the Bulgarian National Art Museum and private collections in Germany, Italy, England and USA.

