Get Confused About Beauty Standards

Rangga Perwiratama
Cvlture Clash
Published in
4 min readJul 21, 2016

Last night I went out drinking with my friends, and we ordered cheapest beer laying around, just like Gavin McInnes told me. We were there to drink rotten barley and oat, why we need to keep it fancy? Anyway, we always do this all the time, debating about something necessarily unimportant just to keep it light and unimportant. When we were at the bar Niko thought some random girl on the other side of the bar was a perfect 10. I said she was fine but for me, she was like 5 or 6 at best. Roy said I was wrong, but Adit agreed with my judgment. Sounds wrong to score a girl based on her looks, but you know, if you’re a girl feel free to do that to us. It doesn’t matter anyway. So even if we are best friends, hanging out all time, sharing a bed if we need to, and doing stuff we might regret together. Doesn’t matter how close we are, we still got our perception on girls separate. It got me thinking, so what is beauty standards? To be exact, who made these kinda things?

I’m not blaming men for being fair, because like I said we don't have the same perception of women. And it is chaotic you can’t make any standards on this. Every single girl I know wants to be tall. Why? I don’t know. I prefer hobbits for sure, I like short girls, 150cm to 155cm to be exact. They are cuddly and cute. I can call them ‘shorty’ without regret. Niko likes girls with clean armpits, he likes to see a girl in a t-shirt that looks too small and got not enough fabric to make proper sleeves so you can see the girl’s armpits. Roy likes some girl with a decisive face, like a cop or a soldier. Adit likes nerds, you know pretty basic, yeah he’s little bit boring. See? How chaotic are those? Those are nothing, I can go on forever. I like mix race, half Chinese half Javanese for instance because they look weird. Fashion wise I like girls in big ass sweaters and jeans shorts and Converse All-stars designed for women, carrying around skateboards would be better, more better if the sweater got a picture of a dog or some other cute thing. No standards, no nothing. This is how men perceive women, as part of their imagination. What standards can be used to define what’s beautiful and what’s not? Math? Computer science?

I think women make those standards. I believe it so much I don’t really know how to explain it to you. It’s like religion, we can talk about it, but I will feel so dumb because I’m a Christian who believe that Jesus is one of the most powerful role models in the history of mankind. A lot of people think that‘s dumb. Anyway, I have a lot of female friends and most of them insecure about their body too much. It’s pretty easy to make them believe that they are not beautiful enough. I don’t know why, I have a penis since I was born, so I know nothing about that. But as you can see in our world today, they are trying to cope with that insecurity by pushing everybody to say ‘all women are beautiful’. Well, I don’t think so. Not if you are obese, not if you are taking a bath once a week. Oh yeah, maybe that’s the standards we were talking about.

You see as an ordinary guy, with an ordinary life I have something to tell you, this is a weird wish I have to you good people of planet earth. I don’t want to live in a place where I can't find someone I prefer to be with. I mean if I have to live in a place where every girl looks the same like this, it's a picture of Korea Pageant contestants, by the way, I will definitely kill myself. They all look the same! I'll give feminists a credit on this. Feminists actually make something useful on this one. But feminists way is wrong. Why? You can’t believe everybody is beautiful. You just can’t. This is coming down from science, obesity is not okay, careless about your hygiene is not okay, dyed your hair too often is not okay, have too many tattoos is not okay, have too many piercings is not okay. You need to make women feel free to be who they are but still encourage them to do the right thing. If you have a female friend ask you “Am I fat?”, if she is fat say “Yeah I think you need to work out”, don’t say “You are beautiful as you are”! Obesity kills, you can ask a doctor if you want to.

My point is one thing, the market is always there, it’s supply and demand. If I need a soap I will never buy a box of cereal for a substitute. For the ladies, someone will perceive you as a perfect 10, beauty is in the eye of the beholder that for sure. You don’t need plastic surgery like those Koreans, if you’re ugly your kids will be ugly anyway, that’s science. Be the best person you can be, never be insecure again about who you really are. If you think you are fat, just go to the gym or run around the neighborhood. You know try to be the best. For feminist, if you think men and women are the same, here is a story, most men don’t give a damn about their look, do you ever heard a guy yelling he wants to be called beautiful or handsome or cool or anything else by every single person on earth? No, we don't do that, that's pathetic. And we mock each other if one of us is fat, encourage him to work out, not the other way around.

