How Capitalism Can Fix Indonesia

Rangga Perwiratama
Cvlture Clash
3 min readMay 12, 2016


This is a brief story about my opinion as a moderate right winger, who believes that even slight movement into more of a capitalism ethos can bring the world into a better place. I live in Indonesia where every single thing is government owned and I feel like what a loser Indonesia is. I don’’t know what to say, but I don’’t really like it. Indonesia need to fight more with open border, just to understand the fury of competition. I will try to build this up with left winger thing, find an exception and then tell the world that this is a thing. I mean when gays want to get married, left wingers say “”come on guys we need to help them get married””. Even though maybe like only less than 10% of human population are gay, and maybe only 10% of that 10% really want to be monogamous. I don’’t have the data, but that’s what I believe.

Okay. Let’’s talk about exception in Indonesia, seek one story when capitalism is winning and exploit it as a thing that you guys should amaze.
Garuda Indonesia is a thing, I will narrow it down to only talk about Garuda Indonesia. One of the best airlines in the world, listed as best amenities and best seats in World Airlines Award. Do you know that back in 1998 Garuda Indonesia went bankrupt? The reason is pretty simple actually, being a monopolist for so long killed it’s drive to compete, no innovation and no real struggle to win against anything.

Garuda Indonesia was found in 1949 as Indonesian Airways and then in 1950 Garuda Indonesia got monopoly concession, back there Indonesia’’s government had 51% share. Means it was government owned business. In 1950–1968 Garuda Indonesia and Merpati Nusantara were the only airlines in Indonesia, means we can’’t really go anywhere without them back there. Until in 1968 when Suharto’’s regime told a bunch of investors that they can open private airline business. But no sweat for Garuda Indonesia because no foreign investor joined that offer. Basically they were continuing being a monopolist. In 80s era the real struggle came cause Suharto’’s policy was starting to fall apart. A bunch of airlines went bankrupt. The final test for Garuda Indonesia came when Suharto stepped down, and his policy was no longer exist. They went bankrupt in 1998.

Today following that debauchery all the way from late 40s to late 90s only few airlines in Indonesia survived. Garuda Indonesia, Lion Air Group, Sriwijaya Air Group, and Indonesia Air Asia. The point is being protected by government sucks, and now Garuda Indonesia is like ““you know what I will compete with the big dog out there””. Garuda Indonesia goes for premium passengers rather than lower middle class ones. Compete with Emirates and Etihad Airways in foreign market. And Garuda Indonesia is the only exception I could find to make you amaze about how a 3rd world country business can really survive outside the country of origin. Come on Indonesia we need to compete outside this archipelago more often. To see what happens, the point of capitalism is to drive your innovation and win by segmentation. We can’’t cuddle with the government forever, take risk! Garuda Indonesia wins 51 million dollars to the 3rd quarter, for God’’s sake, we need more money to build this country!

