Indonesian Men are Wimps

Rangga Perwiratama
Cvlture Clash
Published in
4 min readMay 16, 2016

I read this book once, Bang by pick-up artist called Roosh V. and the entire book exclusively teaches you how to behave as a man. Not necessarily picking up women in clubs and any other places. It’s all about being stubborn and bold. When I read that book, it seems hard for me to understand it, cause I feel like maybe it’s cultural, I mean can I really use these methods in Indonesia? I’ll tell you how it works in Indonesia, it works great. The point I write this article is that I have too many stories that will give you an opinion that Indonesian men are wimps. I’m not talking about how they behave in workplace or family. Indonesian men tend to be more needy than usual about sex. I get it boys, we don’t have a lot of open-minded girls who enjoy talking about sex, but please tone it down!

I have a weird story that you might enjoy because it’s simply just weird. A friend of mine told me this like 2 days ago. So her close friend, who is a woman, got into a very complex love triangle. Basically, she wants to be with a guy, but that guy needs to fight more for her cause his family doesn’t really want her because of the racial issue. Actually, they dated, but broke up recently, I don’t really know. Meanwhile, she is sleeping with another guy that it seems to me that this guy is just taking the advantage of knowing this girl is getting pissed off and broken hearted. Long story short this girl is falling in love with this another guy. And the first guy and the second guy are close friends. I must say this will never happen in my circle of friends. I call it vagina test, basically my friends and I debated this for a night and found that term on a condition that we can’t steal a girlfriend from a friend, but we can steal a whore from a friend. It’s vagina test, you can steal her, she’s a whore, just another hole for your penis. Maybe too harsh, but it is what it is. So I said “why don’t you just tell your friend to pick one?” she said, “I already did, but she wants both”. Finally, this girl shares her day with two guys, from morning to afternoon with one guy, and spend her night with another, these guys know each other, and they have no saying in this even if they want the same thing, they want this girl to be his. This is outrageous! The worst part is that this girl keeps on whining to my friend, saying “I want to be with this guy but I want the other to stay close”. Very high school drama, you are in your early 20s woman! Stop whining!

If Indonesian men are not wimps, this kind of weird story will never ever happen. Simply say “okay, I know what is happening, I’m not an idiot, I know what I know, and you need to pick one, I’m done with this”. That’s what I do, be stubborn and bold. I don’t care if I can’t get any nookie anymore, it’s just sex. And I don’t care about women who sleep with multiple guys either. I have a friend slept with dozens of guys in 9 months or so. Her stories are just awesome! I want to listen to that. But Indonesian men are such wimps. Why? First, we break a friendship over sex easily, and then when everything is starting to get hard we don’t know how to stand strong. I have a friend, who is a guy, that take his break up to the hard way, he calls his friends every night to go out and drink. And I say “hell no” to that. Why? His ex is such a slut, when she was in Bali my friend told her “you can hook up if the guy is foreigner”, then she took off every night with dudes! I don’t know why he did that, but for God’s sake, his breakup is the best thing ever happened to him! Take what’s yours you wimps! If you strip a man to the last of his belonging, dignity is the last thing men have. Fight for it and be strong!

I don’t know about you, but my dad told me that I need to find a woman that fits my ambition. Maybe I open my heart like solar eclipse but I know it’s been worth it, all of my ex fit my ambition . The best thing a man could get! Focus on myself and fall in love once in a while, I’m 22 years old and only get rejected once. That’s quite an accomplishment, even if the book says I need to learn getting rejected. And I know for a fact, if you only need to pass up your sex needs, I’ll tell you what, Limp Bizkit is wrong, you don’t need to “give it all for a nookie”. Be reasonable, get casual sex partner, it’s not that hard. Read a book if you don’t know how to. I’m a nerd with the face of a criminal, and I know how to. Wimps!

