Why Make Cvlture Clash?

Dea Karina
Cvlture Clash


The idea started when I observed that my friends and I loved to post social commentaries on Facebook, but nobody really reads or comments it. Maybe it’s stupid, nobody cares, or nobody understood our opinions in our Facebook inner circle. The things that people don’t really care about have a low probability of being liked or shared, hence the powerful (or at least we think it is) phenomenons that happen in the “crannies” of the world (areas that aren’t really exposed in the media) are ignored, even though they’re important food for thought in this global contemporary culture that seems to be more and more connected by day.

Our online news from social media are defined by algorithms, which has advantages as well as disadvantages. Echo chambers provide us with comfortable news. However, we deserve more than comfortable. This echo chamber disables us to read news from other sides of the world and comment on it. Even if we can, it’s all scattered all over the web and would take effort to search it. So why not provide a platform to collect those social commentaries together?

Cvlture Clash also aims to democratize the voices of ordinary people. Ordinary conversations. Yes, we might not be experts to provide commentaries but that is the point- this is a platform for us to learn and to try and become more and more news literate. There is no right or wrong, or is there? It’s all a conversation.

The world is a conversation and we would like to contribute to that. I believe if we’re stripped off of everything; nationality, wealth, status, etc., we only have our voices. We want your voice. We plan on using Cvlture Clash to contribute to conversations about culture, globalization, and anything you think the world deserves to know.

With globalization, we’re increasingly connected day by day. It is a chance to understand what ordinary people think about the world, thousands of miles away. It’s an invitation to understand the minds and cultivate deeper connections with fellow humans who hundreds of years ago would not even dream of meeting. With embracing technology, we too should be ready to embrace a deeper connection with humanity.

