Recruitment Statistics 2019

Amit Gawande
Published in
1 min readApr 6, 2020

We have moved passed 2019. And we are here with some interesting recruiting patterns, numbers and insights. Insights that will force you to review your current hiring strategies.

Your recruitment strategy could revolve around candidate sourcing strategies. Because that’s where the relationship between a job seeker and the employer begins. So, the question is, is your recruiting strategy in line with the current recruitment trend?

For example, do you know how candidates are searching for jobs? Are they still using job boards or they have shifted to Google for job search? Do you know how they research about your company? How a millennial approach a job search versus a Gen-Z? What are the important aspects of a company culture that influences a candidate’s decision on whether to accept a job or not?

There are many such insights and changes in recruiting trends that you must look seriously at. If you are still using a traditional approach to recruitment then you could seriously miss on top talent and you still may not be aware of it.

Read more about recent hiring trends, and more here. Recruitment Statistics 2019

