Workers’ Most Wanted

Scott Pruitt, Head of the Environmental Protection Agency #WMW

CWA Political Action
Building the Movement
2 min readMay 10, 2017


Denier-in-Chief and New Head of the Environmental Protection Agency Scott Pruitt

  • He sued the EPA or supported lawsuits against it more than two dozen times. Pruitt went to court 26 separate times to try and block or weaken environmental protections for working people and their families.
  • He took money from regulated industries. As Oklahoma Attorney General and head of the Republican Attorneys General Association, Pruitt helped collect millions of dollars in political donations from industries that he is now supposed to regulate. Is it possible for Pruitt to unbiasedly regulate industries that are in his pocket? Pruitt continues the oppressive trend of corporations controlling our nation’s institutions.
  • He’s a longstanding climate change doubter. Pruitt has consistently used the fossil fuel industry’s playbook to sow doubt about climate change, despite the fact that scientists have consensus that the earth’s climate is warming due to human activity. Pruitt
  • He let poultry polluters off the hook. After receiving political donations from poultry polluters, Pruitt stopped pursuing litigation against them for their pollution of water sources. As a state senator, he helped weaken a state law regulating poultry operators, allowing dozens of new chicken houses near rivers which pollute and contaminate water supplies near by.
  • He rolled back water quality protections. Pruitt’s bad deal gave polluters more time to pollute and suspended enforcement actions.




CWA Political Action
Building the Movement

True political power comes from an organized working class fighting for JUSTICE.