Easy Way to Teach Your Loved Ones About Cryptocurrency

Published in
4 min readApr 24, 2023

Cryptocurrency is a simple but technical technology transforming our financial approach and management. The goal of cryptocurrency is to decentralize our financial system by eliminating the need for intermediaries and central authority and allowing us to conduct transactions on a peer-to-peer basis. As a result, cryptocurrency’s popularity has grown over time, with its use extending beyond the financial sector.

Without a doubt, cryptocurrency is addictive, and the excitement that comes with it may be misinterpreted by loved ones who have no knowledge or interest in the concept of cryptocurrency. Unfortunately, unlike other cutting-edge technologies such as social networking, artificial intelligence, robotics, and so on that can be experienced and felt, cryptocurrency is abstract with several terminologies to be familiar with, which may make explaining the legitimacy and concept of cryptocurrency daunting to anyone, particularly your loved ones.

While it is unlikely that your loved ones have never heard of cryptocurrency, or at least Bitcoin, it is understandable if they are unfamiliar with how it works; to be honest, they are not alone. So, how would you teach your loved ones about cryptocurrency without impressing or intimidating them with technical jargon and other crypto lingo? What simple method would you use to introduce cryptocurrency to your loved ones?

Simple Way to Teach About Cryptocurrency

One of the most difficult aspects of being a cryptocurrency user is explaining or persuading others, particularly family members, about cryptocurrency. As a general rule, when explaining something new to someone, it is best to start with the basics, which include explaining how it directly applies to them.

The first step in teaching cryptocurrency is to explain the fundamentals in simple terms. When discussing the fundamentals, avoid using terms such as “hodling,” “rekt,” “WAGMI,” “FOMO,” and other crypto terms, which may be confusing to a beginner.

Instead, use simple language and concrete examples they can relate to and comprehend. For example, you can demonstrate the concept of decentralization and peer-to-peer transactions using a dollar bill by illustrating how the transaction does not require a bank or any other financial institution, giving them control over their money without the need to keep it in a bank.

However, while teaching your loved one the fundamentals of cryptocurrency and how it works, it is critical that you explain the risks involved in investing in cryptocurrency, how volatile it is, and how it is largely unregulated. As a result, make it clear to them how important it is to do their research before betting on any token and that they should only invest what they can afford to lose.

On the other hand, you can quickly pique your loved ones’ interest by providing additional learning resources or a gift of cryptocurrency. Offering some cryptocurrency as a gift can be very effective because some people will only believe you if they can see and use these tokens for themselves. As a result, it is critical to allow them to experience what it is like to have their first crypto wallet and some crypto assets in their wallet.

Introducing your Loved Ones to Cryptocurrency Through a Fun Crypto Game

One of the simplest ways to introduce your loved ones to cryptocurrency and assist them in obtaining their first token is to create a fun crypto game in which they compete to win some tokens. Rather than sending them a token directly, using a crypto game makes the experience more enjoyable and fulfilling while earning them some cryptocurrency as a reward.

You can use Cwallet Arena Games to create a fun crypto game where your loved ones can participate by catching some coins. The more coins they catch in the arena game, the more valuable the token becomes in their wallet.

The Cwallet Arena Games are an excellent way to introduce your friends and family to the world of cryptocurrency. It was easy to use, easy to set up, and easy to play. What distinguishes the Cwallet Airdrop Arena games is:

  • The launch of the airdrop game is free of charge.
  • The game’s difficulty can be set to easy, normal, or hard.
  • After 24 hours of play, all unclaimed rewards were refunded to your account.

Your loved ones will have a lot of fun playing with and catching coins, and they will be able to see the value of their token in dollars on the dashboard of their Cwallet app. Undoubtedly, there is no easier way to teach anyone about cryptocurrency than using the Cwallet Arena Games.

Teach your loved ones about cryptocurrency today using the Cwallet Arena games! Get started by downloading the Cwallet App. Read the step-by-step guide to creating airdrop hunting games here.

Every token they receive is automatically credited to their Cwallet account when a player wins the game.

So you want to tell your friends and family about cryptocurrency?

The Cwallet Airdrop Game is a fun way to give your loved ones their first cryptocurrency. You can set the game’s difficulty and let the coins fall quickly, forcing them to catch as many as they can quickly, keeping them engaged and interested.

Here’s a quick video demonstration of how the simple game works.

What’s More?

The Cwallet App has many more interesting features than just the simple airdrop game, such as mobile refills, bulk payment options, and Bots that help you manage your Discord and Telegram communities.

So, what are you waiting for?

Download Cwallet NOW!




https://cwallet.com is the combined custodial & non-custodial crypto wallet. Manage and trade 800+ crypto and in one place using multiple tools and bots.