How To Implement The 80/20 Principle In Crypto Trading

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4 min readNov 22, 2023

Investing in cryptocurrencies is a rollercoaster ride involving opportunities and obstacles, which an investor must carefully navigate to become efficient and make profits.

In their quest to achieve excellence and perfection, traders employ several strategies to carefully navigate the volatile nature of crypto assets and optimize their decision-making when trading them. A particular strategy that has become well-known in several financial spheres is the Pareto principle, or 80/20 principle.

The 80/20 principle is quite popular and widely revered because of its dynamism. Beyond the crypto and financial markets, the 80/20 principle is widely used, even in engineering, sciences, and other fields.

When applied properly, this principle holds, and it can also be applied in crypto trading to achieve better results. In this article, we’ll discuss the Pareto principle and how to implement it within your trading strategy.

What is the 80/20 Principle in Crypto Trading?

Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian economist, first created this theory after noticing that 80% of the country’s land was owned by 20% of its population.

The Pareto Principle — also known as the “80/20 rule, has been shown to hold in various circumstances. For instance, 20% of the workforce in most businesses generates 80% of the output. Alternatively, 80% of your sales can come from 20% of your clientele. So, how can we apply this to crypto trading?

The Pareto Principle, commonly known as the 80/20 Rule, asserts that roughly 80% of effects come from 20% of causes. In crypto trading, the 80/20 Principle suggests that 20% of your trades will likely generate 80% of your profits. The other 80% of your trades may result in losses or smaller gains. You can increase your chances of success in crypto trading by focusing on the 20% of trades with the potential for high returns.

Recognizing that a small percentage of coins, indicators, or market movements frequently contribute disproportionately to total trading performance is necessary when applying the 80/20 Principle to cryptocurrency markets. A trader may find, for instance, that a small number of cryptocurrencies routinely show notable price fluctuations and that the patterns in these assets substantially impact the overall market. By focusing on these essential elements, traders can potentially increase their profitability by making well-informed judgments that follow the 80/20 Principle.

How To Implement The 80/20 Principle In Crypto Trading

Here are some ways to implement the 80/20 principle in your crypto trading:

Focus on the top performers

By reviewing your previous trades, determine which 20% of cryptocurrencies or trading approaches have produced the best returns for you. To increase your earnings, focus your attention on these high performers.

Don’t spread yourself too thin

Refrain from making too many cryptocurrency investments. Instead, concentrate on the twenty percent of assets you think have the most significant room to expand. This will lessen the chance of spreading your investments too widely and assist you in allocating your wealth wisely.

Pay attention to market conditions

Identify the 20% of market conditions or trading periods when you’ve made your most profitable trades. Then, spend more time trading during these periods to increase your chances of success.

Manage your risk

Acknowledge the 20 percent of variables that account for most of your trading losses. You can reduce the impact of these risk factors or take precautions to avoid them by being aware of them.

Do your research

Give 20% of the cryptocurrencies or trading techniques you think have the most potential for your research effort. This will enable you to base your investment decisions on thorough analysis and make well-informed choices.

Remember that the 80/20 Principle is a recommendation rather than a strict law. The actual percentages could change based on particular situations and the state of the market. Nonetheless, you can improve your chances of success in cryptocurrency trading and make better decisions by implementing the principle.

Managing Your Crypto Portfolio With the 80/20 Principle

Even as a day trader or general short-term trader, it is usually advisable to invest 80% of your funds with a long-term outlook, investing them in coins with strong fundamentals that can stand the test of a bear market and bounce back, even in the worst cases. Then, you can leave 20% to short-term trading and speculation.

You can hold your long-term assets in a custodial or non-custodial wallet, both of which Cwallet provides, allowing you easy access to your assets when needed.

Final Thoughts

In summary, the 80/20 Principle emphasizes the notion that most outcomes are the result of a small number of contributing factors. These factors can help traders make better decisions and increase their overall trading performance. In the fast-paced world of cryptocurrency trading, traders can strive to improve their overall success by becoming more efficient and lowering their risks.

Accurately applying the Pareto principle to cryptocurrency trading can result in more successful and efficient outcomes, as you can identify and rank the key factors that significantly impact your ability to profit from both short and long-term trades.

For more beginner tips, as well as detailed guides on cryptocurrency and blockchain technology, do well to visit the Cwallet Blog and follow our social communities on Twitter, Telegram, Reddit, and Discord.



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