Stop Missing Out: How To Set Up Your Crypto Tip Jar In 3 Simple Steps

Published in
5 min readAug 18, 2023

Crypto tip jars have evolved as a new way for artists, content creators, and influencers to receive appreciation for their work in digital currencies, also known as cryptocurrencies. For every blogger, content creator, musician, etc., having a crypto jar can be a rewarding experience.

Creators have now gone beyond relying on ad revenues and traditional payment methods to receive payments in digital currencies. Aside from the ease of payment, there are some other benefits that you can get from just utilizing a crypto tip jar. Some of these benefits include multiple cryptocurrency support, personalization of the tip to fit your brand, and the best is that there are no transaction fees.

In this article, we’ll show you how to set up your crypto jar in three simple steps.

How To Set Up A Crypto Tip Jar In 3 Simple Steps

It should probably go without saying, but to receive crypto tips, you need to have a crypto wallet, and thankfully, getting a crypto wallet is pretty easy. Currently, there are several wallet service providers, including custodial and non-custodial wallets, and you can easily get one within minutes, after which you can copy your wallet address and paste it in your bio, profile page, or anywhere your fans can easily access it. So, at a glance, your fans/followers can see your wallet address, copy it, and tip you.

This works excellently if you intend to accept tips in a particular cryptocurrency, say Bitcoin. However, if you want to accept tips from multiple cryptocurrencies, then it may not be optimal.

Typically, bio/profile pages on social media usually have character limits, and trying to include the details of all your possible crypto wallet addresses may look cringey, or even worse, because crypto wallet addresses aren’t appealing.

A typical crypto address looks like this, so I bet you can imagine how unappealing this may be when you have multiples of this on your profile page.

So, should you only accept one cryptocurrency as tips? Absolutely not!

Cwallet is a wallet service provider like all others that allows you to create a custodial or non-custodial wallet, but here’s the catch.

Cwallet has a unique tool for creators and professionals who intend to monetize their content and social presence with tips. With the Cwallet Tip box, you can accept 15+ cryptocurrencies without having to clog your profile with several wallet addresses.

In the three steps outlined below, you can set up your crypto tip jar and instantly accept tips.

Step 1: Create a Tip Code

To streamline the process of receiving tips in multiple cryptocurrencies, Cwallet offers an ingenious solution — the Tip Code. This unique tool supports multiple formats, including QR codes, buttons, images, and links, making it compatible with all platforms.

To create your tip code, you’ll need to log in to your Cwallet account, navigate to the tools page, and tap “Create Tip Box.” From here, you can customize your tip code, input your nickname, social media name, or whatever endears your fans/followers to you, and a description.

Then, as an optional step, you can set a fixed tip amount for click-to-tip, eliminating the need for users to enter the amount manually. This could also influence their decision-making, as some users may not know the ideal amount to tip.

Step 2: Integrate Your Tip Jar On Your Social Platforms

With your Tip Code at hand, the next step is to integrate your Tip Jar seamlessly across all your social media platforms. Whether you’re active on Twitter, Twitch, Facebook, or own an active gaming community on Discord, or whatever platform it may be, you can easily share your Tip Code with your followers and fans.

Update your bio or profile page with the Tip Code link or QR code. Let your audience know that you now accept cryptocurrency tips and payments through your Tip Jar. Since the Tip Code is compatible with all platforms, you can receive tips online and offline without any limitations.

Step 3: Receive Tips

Once your Tip Jar is set up and integrated into your social platforms, you’re all set to start receiving tips in various cryptocurrencies. Whenever someone clicks your Tip Code or scans the QR code, they will be taken to the payment page, where they can select the amount they want to tip.

The beauty of the Tip Code lies in its simplicity and versatility. When your audience clicks on the provided link or scans the QR code, they will be directed to the payment page. There, they can choose a dollar amount they wish to pay, and in return, they will receive the equivalent in their chosen cryptocurrency.

The best part is, you won’t have to provide individual wallet addresses for each cryptocurrency you wish to accept tips in. It’s automated, easy, and straightforward.

End Note

As a content creator, social media influencer, or someone who generally provides value via digital means for free, tipping can be a good way to make some money. Yes, you may use traditional payment methods, but border-restrictions as well as huge task could massively impact your meaning potential.

Crypto solves this, and setting up your crypto Tip Jar has never been easier.

With the Cwallet Tip Box, you can accept tips in 15+ cryptocurrencies without cluttering your profile with multiple wallet addresses, so you can accept tips in your preferred cryptocurrency, from fans across the globe, without any taxes or restrictions.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to enhance your monetization options and engage with your community in a whole new way. Get started with Cwallet today and unlock the full potential of digital currency appreciation for your content and creations!



Cwallet is the combined custodial & non-custodial crypto wallet. Manage and trade 800+ crypto and in one place using multiple tools and bots.