What Is Public Blockchain?

Published in
5 min readNov 30, 2023

Knowing the main differences between public and private blockchains is important as blockchain technology evolves. What are the differences between these blockchains, and how might they affect your business?

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Suppose there is a case of a business wanting to deploy blockchain technology. You have heard terms like “public” and “private” blockchains, but you have doubts about which one you need. This article will examine the nuances of a public chain, its characteristics, advantages and challenges, and its effect on different sectors.

Understanding Public Blockchain

A public chain, or the public blockchain, is a blockchain that is public and available to anyone on the internet. Unlike private or permissioned blockchains, where access is limited to only a select few users, public chains allow for full participation in the chain by anyone. Inclusiveness is the cornerstone of a decentralized, transparent data management and distribution philosophy.

Key Features of Public Blockchain

  1. Decentralization: Decentralization is one of the cornerstones of public chains. In contrast to centralized, traditional databases, public chains distribute data among a network of nodes, eliminating a single point of failure/control.
  2. Transparency and Openness: Everything on a public chain is public, and anyone can inspect it. This creates great user confidence because every transaction is verifiable and tamper-evident.
  3. Security: Public chains use advanced cryptographic methods to ensure the integrity of their recorded transactions, which is only possible with consensus from the network.
  4. Consensus Mechanisms: Public chains utilize consensus mechanisms such as PoW and PoS to validate transactions. These mechanisms allow all users to agree on the validity of each transaction and uphold the trustworthiness of the chain.
  5. Permissionless Participation: A public chain does not require permission from a governing body to participate. This aspect makes technology accessible to the common person and creates scope for innovation.

Benefits of Public Blockchain

  1. Enhanced Security: The decentralized nature of public chains makes them inherently resistant to hacking and fraud. The cryptographic security also ensures data integrity.
  2. Increased Transparency: Every transaction is visible to anyone, making public chains ideal for applications requiring high accountability and transparency.
  3. Reduced Costs and Efficiency: Public chains can significantly reduce transaction costs and increase efficiency in various processes by eliminating intermediaries and central authorities.
  4. Innovation and Collaboration: The open nature of public chains fosters innovation, as developers and entrepreneurs can build applications on top of existing public blockchains without restrictions.

Challenges and Considerations

  1. Scalability: One of the significant challenges faced by public chains is scalability. As the number of transactions increases, the network can become slower and less efficient.
  2. Energy Consumption: Certain consensus mechanisms, like PoW, require substantial computational power, leading to high energy consumption and environmental concerns.
  3. Privacy Concerns: Since all transactions are public, there can be privacy concerns for users who do not wish their transaction history to be publicly accessible.
  4. Regulatory Issues: Public chains’ decentralized and borderless nature can sometimes clash with national regulations, leading to legal and compliance challenges.

Impact on Various Sectors

  1. Finance and Banking: Public chains are revolutionizing finance by enabling decentralized finance (DeFi) platforms, which offer financial services without traditional banking systems.
  2. Supply Chain Management: They improve transparency and traceability in supply chains, allowing consumers and businesses to verify the authenticity and origin of products.
  3. Voting Systems: Public chains can potentially transform voting systems, offering a more secure, transparent, and accessible way to conduct elections.
  4. Healthcare: Public chains can securely store patient records in healthcare, ensuring data integrity and easy access for authorized parties.
  5. Real Estate: They can streamline property transactions, reduce fraud, and provide transparent record-keeping.

The Future of Public Blockchain

As technology evolves, the potential of public chains continues to expand. Future developments may address scalability and energy consumption challenges, paving the way for more efficient and sustainable public blockchain networks. The ongoing research in quantum-resistant cryptography and layer-2 solutions is particularly promising.

How Does Cwallet Address the Issue of Public Chain

Cwallet, as a multifunctional wallet offering both centralized and decentralized functions, plays a significant role in addressing some of the challenges associated with public chains. By their nature, public chains are decentralized, transparent, and open to anyone, which brings about specific issues such as scalability, privacy, and user-friendliness.

Here’s how Cwallet addresses these issues:

  1. Scalability Solutions: One of the biggest issues with public chains is scalability, as there are more transactions, and the network has limited processing capacity. Cwallet can provide better transaction processing since it combines centralized and decentralized components. Cwallet is centralized, enabling it to handle high transaction volumes efficiently and scalability issues often associated with merely public chains.
  2. Enhanced User Experience: New users often need help finding public chains. Cwallet tackles this by creating an easy-to-use interface that makes it easier to engage with blockchain technologies. This strategy decreases the entrance obstacle for new participants who may be overwhelmed by the complexities of public blockchain networks.
  3. Balancing Privacy and Transparency: On one hand, public chains are known for transparency, but on the other hand, it can be quite a privacy concern. Cwallet can give users options on their data and transactions. This component allows more privacy controls so that users can control their exposure and transaction details.
  4. Security: Public chains are secure but still face risks due to their nature. Cwallet employs the strengths of centralized and decentralized systems, improving security. However, the public chain has the strength of a decentralized and tamper-resistant system, meaning it can utilize robust security measures similar to centralized systems, such as advanced encryption and fraud detection.


Public chains represent a significant leap forward in approaching data and transactions in a digital age. They offer a platform for a more transparent, secure, and inclusive digital world. While challenges remain, the continuous evolution and adoption of public chain technology across various sectors underscore its potential to transform our digital landscape profoundly.

Cwallet addresses the issues of public chains by offering a hybrid solution that combines the benefits of centralized efficiency and control with the decentralized, trustless nature of public blockchains. As we progress, seeing how public chains continue evolving and reshaping our digital interactions’ fabric will be fascinating.




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