Once again about the importance of “Why?”

When launching a start-up, you do not even have a big name and reputation that you can use to find satisfied customers who can recommend you to their friends. What do you do in this case? What shall you write in your advertising communication? How to invent your USPs and create “selling offers”?

In fact, everything is dead simple. It’s enough just to answer clearly ”Why did we start this business?” Not “What we do,” not “How we do it,” but exactly “Why?” Then there is a chance that people will believe you. Only the real reasons, facts, and evidence will convince people.

But many are afraid of honesty. Because quite often entrepreneurs understand that the most honest answer for them sounds like “We just got together to earn some money.” Indeed, this sort of confession will never attract the client. Well, what is the path then?

There could be two ways, that help to distinguish between a successful start-up, which is here for a long run and another “fluff,” which will disappear and be forgotten in a heartbeat.

The first option is the easiest one — start lying about yourself and invent high goals, which you do not believe yourself! Then try to make your team and clients believe in them. But these sort of goals always sound false. And they will forever remain only in words because there is a substantial difference between talking and doing. All these “young and dynamically developing companies” live on this path, and usually their main competitive advantage is “high quality and professionalism.” In reality, people do not believe these stale phrases. Therefore, during all their lifetime such companies are doomed to attract consumers of the most “low level.” Those customers who are not able to recognize the obvious blah-blah-blah and lies. Attract to their very near death.

The second way is the path of pain that requires digging deep. Independently or under supervision. To understand that your desire to make money cannot serve as a motivator, except as your own. Start with identifying your purpose, your key competencies, and authenticity.

Honestly answer the following questions: “What activity makes me feel high? What can I do constantly and endlessly? And even for free? “. Nature has already awarded all of us our individuality. Everyone is unique, that’s why every person can (and should!) find in herself the unique combination of passions and skills that will become her business of life. Just like that: “I can, and I want to.”

This will be your answer to the question “Why did I do this?”. And when this answer coincides with the answer to the question “Why should a consumer care about your product and buy from you?” we can assume that you have found the very meaning of your business. Your real Value Proposition. This is what one should take as a basis for content on the landing pages, commercial offers and communications to the investors. This is what products and marketing should be built on.

Just one phrase.

Inspired by @rdnk

