What Does a Virtual CTO Do? [Roles & Responsibilities]

Anatoly Kotlyar
Published in
5 min readMar 17, 2022
Being a Virtual CTO is more than just giving advice: An Inside Peek

For the second year in a row, the COVID-19 pandemic is forcing companies to adopt a digital approach to their day-to-day running. According to Gartner, 58% of business leaders have been investing big in emerging technology in 2021, and are planning to do so further on. The key initiative behind the increased spendings is to accelerate business growth by means of innovation.

The strategic importance of innovation for modern-day companies is hardly disputable. The business environment is evolving and all legacy methods of operation are being upgraded. Essentially, it sounds like a good idea that will pay off over time. It really is, but there’s also a flip side to this. It’s called business capacity.

Can you afford to spend an average of 10–15% of your total revenue on technology that may fail to drive your business forward?

More often than not, the answer will be ‘No’.

To implement new tech a company needs a wealth of talent, a scalable infrastructure in place, and a strategy for continuous growth. Otherwise, those spendings will be vain, while technologies will bring no expected transformation.

This is why your business needs a Chief Technology Officer. You can opt for an in-house expert or a virtual CTO.

What is a Virtual CTO? [Definition]

What is a Virtual CTO?

Either virtual or on-site, a Chief Technology Officer (CTO) is a C-level executive, who oversees the company’s digital infrastructure and makes sure that short- and long-term goals of the business are achieved by utilizing innovative tech. A CTO stays on top of the emerging trends, evaluates them in the context of business needs, maps out the tech strategy, and decides on the procedures necessary for delivering high-quality products or services.

What do fellow CTOs say?

“The job of a CTO is to work with a CEO and other business leaders and ensure that you’re implementing a technology vision that supports the strategy of the business.”

Peter Shankar, a CTO at Equity Multiple

Outsourced CTO VS in-house CTO

Over the recent turbulent years, the business world has accustomed to working remotely. The transition to all-digital space has blurred the lines between local and offshore experts. Companies now have access to tech talent anywhere in the world at a low operational cost.

You may conclude that it speaks in favor of virtual CTO services, but there are certain nuances that you have to bear in mind before committing to outsourcing.


In-house CTO pros and cons


CTO pros and cons

Related Article: Everything you need to know about CTO-as-a-Service

A CTO-as-a-Service case in point

Let’s conduct a short opinion poll.

Imagine that there’s a client running an online store. The client aims at recording the 20x increase in the number of sold goods. Can a CTO help achieve this ambitious goal?

  1. YES
  2. NO

In fact, the right answer is ‘Yes’. And that’s exactly what we are working on now.

At the onboarding stage, we conducted a series of interviews with the client to get their business vision and end goals. Those goals were achievable through automating part of manual processes like adding goods to the platform.

The next step was to actually try and find the solution that would fit this exact business and its operating model. So, we plunged into experimenting. Using a lean approach, the tech team worked out a concept for further validation. We outlined the specifics for the required automation algorithm and proceeded to its development.

Upon deploying this algorithm, we’ve managed to triple the system’s capacity. Technically, we could improve it more, but in the long term, this would not be enough. The solution alone would not be able to bring us to the mark of 20x. To reach the desired goal we have to dive into the business processes and transform them too, using the trial-and-error method.

Is this case a success? Yes, for sure. We created the appropriate automation tool and its implementation results pointed us towards other bottlenecks that we need to resolve. Our cooperation with the client is in progress. We are now devising a strategic roadmap that may help us bring more transformations to internal processes and eventually, drive the client’s business growth.


The job of a CTO is to deal with complex business problems that do not have a straightforward solution.

A CTO does not only give advice on the issue that a company faces. A CTO dives into this issue and maps out the appropriate ways of solving it. More so, these new ways must correlate with the existing work processes and fall within the company’s vision.

The varying role of a VCTO

The responsibilities of an on-demand CTO are evolving along with the environment that companies are now operating in. They become more cross-functional and strategy-oriented. Providing CTO services no longer means consulting on tech gaps or managing the IT infrastructure. It’s about helping to build a data-driven business.

The modern role of a CTO is multi-faceted, so they perform functions that are seemingly inherent to other roles. There’s often an overlap of the duties performed by a CIO and CTO, as well as a VP of Engineering and CTO. To understand the difference between these roles and know how to hire a Virtual CTO service — follow the link.

